Sir. Catbur Geler - a film that will never exist (Full classical soundtrack)

Published 2024-06-13

The artificial projeKts 19th album, with a similar style and feel to all of last ones
we are releasing an album almost every day, so stay tuned.
track list-

00:00 - Part 1: Catburs Theme (The heist)
07:36 - Part 2: Caught!
18:26 - Part 3: Meditations in prison
22:47 - Part 4: The jail break
34:46 - Part 5: Back on the job

#music #fullalbum #funk #newmusic #plunderphonics #retro #utopian #vaporwave #barberbeats #jazzfusion #jazz #fastjazz #whiplash #classicalmusic #mozart #soundtrack

All Comments (9)
  • @Jimzip
    This is really very good. I've tried so many music generating AIs and either my prompting is garbage or the platforms are (methinks it's a little of both). My results are never this coherent. Great job! Really fun! ^^
  • I love the artwork, I want a massive canvas of that for my wall
  • @childeric57
    Odd soundtrack. Seems as if Catbur spends almost the entire movie in the Alps, with plenty of awe-inspiring scenic views, and even a sojourn among lederhosed peasants...