Should I Use CBD Oil? What is it?

Published 2022-01-02
CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is becoming increasingly popular for use in the treatment of arthritic pain. The surgeons discuss the use of CBD oil. It can be ingested or applied topically. There is little evidence available in the literature regarding efficacy at this point, however, more studies are being performed. The risk of addiction appears to be low. Anecdotally there appears to be some benefit for some people when using CBD oil in the treatment of arthritic pain.

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All Comments (21)
  • I checked a lot of CBD oils. I think CBD from Weedborn is the best.
  • It's great to see this... I have also treated myself. Weedborn oils have helped me a lot.
  • My 90 year old father was taking Vicodin, for arthritis pain. When we talked him into trying CBD drops he was very proud of the fact that he was using less of the pills in the first month. Miss you pop.
    I will answer the question you two asked. First, I am 56 years old and due to my career in the United States Marine Corp I have things like a intramedullary nail and pins and screws that hold me together. Pain has been a fact of life since my discharge. The prescriptions I was given left me with little desire to do anything other than sleep and slobber on myself. I will tell you that CBD is NOT a pain killer unlike prescription meds. CBD is a pain Manager, I still hurt with the use of CBD. I can still function and do things like drive and be active. I know long term use of pain killers destroy you liver and you build up immunity. Not to mention what they do to my digestive system. Speaking for myself CBD Oil takes the edge off the pain and that is what I need to be active and sleep well.
  • Don’t listen to haters… I, myself, just adore you two! I look forward to each and every new video. I hope you both and your families have a very great New Year!
  • @PapasDino
    It is so nice and refreshing to have at least a modicum of informed opinions/eye opening topics from the two of you. As we are the best managers of our own health care (46 years now of military health care) having additional decision making info is so very useful, thanks. Happy New Year!
  • @godislove5751
    I never comment, even when highly compelled, I end up deleting, but I have to tell y’all...I love this channel! I recommend and send your videos to friends and family. The clips are short, highly informative, evidence-based, with just the right amount of humour, and no annoying music in background. Dr. Weening’s smile is...infectious. (:
  • @hexhex7220
    kinda sad.... people thinking you guys are drunk.... just goes to show you that a lot of people think "Cool" docs arent come by naturally. we're too accustomed to doctors who aren't like you guys. such a pleasure to tune in. regardless of ailment discussed, always fun and gives me a few chuckles . thanks guys here's to many more in 2022!
  • @saraswati999
    Thank You for sharing so much invaluable information with us ( much need it ) most docs dont have time to talk to their patients and getting into detail so this is great !
  • I love and empathize with you guys! Thank you for educating us! Fellow Ontario Canadian here.
  • I love how down to earth you both are. I tried cbd tincture and got some temporary relief but I tried the oil for foot pain and it really worked well.I think that the dosage is going to be the key and that needs to be figured out. Happy and Healthy New Year to you both 🎉🎉🥳🥳🥂
  • I think you are wonderful! I love your humor and banter. Please don’t change. Blessings…
  • People think that Cannabis and CBD are painkillers. It's not. Rather it's a natural pain manager. It won't completely nullify pain, but it also won't destroy your liver with repeated use. Anyways, love the video. Keep doing what you're doing, guys!
  • @mrparlanejxtra
    Good to see you are both keeping it real for the Homies.
  • @dawn7470
    Hi Docs coming from Michigan. Love your videos, currently struggling with OA in both knees. You are very informational as well as entertaining. Keep it up! Please?
  • @mandydehoog2708
    Never ever did I think either of you were drunk. You both are awesome. I’ve tried it, didn’t work for me. I have no pain tolerance 😩. PS. I’m up at 4 every morning myself. Don’t know why but I am. Thank you both and I’ll look forward to your next video❤️🇨🇦
  • Good morning! I was cruising YouTube for info on how take CBD oil and came across your channel. How have I missed you? I instantly fell down the rabbit hole after subscribing, so much so, that I will have to change my chiro appointment for after work rather than before. Loving all the info about plant based diet, which I know first hand lowers BP, and cholesterol. I am turning 64 this year, I have a repetitive job in which I do on average 1000-1200K squats and lift (2 lbs at a time) up to 14000 lbs per shift. I have been doing this job (loving it) for 5 years now. It is the reason I started taking the oil recently, first capsules, now drops, and have noticed a significant improvement for relieving joint pain. Please continue making these, they are very enjoyable. I am also an early riser, 3:15, sleeping in is 4:30. You look like my co workers, normal. 😁
  • Your topics are always interesting. I think you both just enjoy what you do. MD's and You tubers.
  • @nancychase2970
    I love your senses of humor. I really enjoy your videos. They are loaded with great info. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.