TaleSpire Minis using CALP 2

Published 2022-09-05
Fine tuned my import process.

Auto It www.autoitscript.com/site/
Scripts are set for 2560x1440 full screen Unity
Open Unity2.au3 and set your prefix initials

Open the bat files in Notepad++ and adjust the paths at the top
I put the scripts in the Unity folder, with Projects under the Unity folder
(Updated Unity2 script 2022.09.07 to fix handling the prefab on the left, middle, or right.)
You need to copy/paste into the files, marked with ::== {filename} and ::== end (don't include those lines)

You can compare AssetBundles\Talespire_CustomData\Minis folder names and your content folder names to identify where the AssetBundle did not set correctly.
Also watch for yellow log lines when you launch taleSpire.
"Missing Info file" messages mean the Info file did not get set to the AssetBundle.
Clicking in the log window will pause it, hit Esc to continue.
I'm fairly certain that my AssetBundle list grows like it does because of my linked Library folder.

If your project will not load at all and crashes at "Finding Available Build Targets.":
In your project folder there is a Library folder. Rename the ArtifactDB and SourceAssetDB files (and their *-lock files). I put "old" in front of the name. Then open your project. It will rebuild the database files and you should be good to go.

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