Needlessly Dissecting 'MINUTEMEN'


コメント (21)
  • @zoeparsnips
    The running gag where you play the lab rats theme whenever you mention the show will never not be funny, please never stop doing it
  • also nicholas braun being in sky high is his actual most famous role as the glowing guy zach
  • Imagine you didn’t know your house was a filming ground for a Disney Channel Movie/Series and one day this guy in weird attire such as an all white ski coat stands outside and films himself…I’d be terrified
  • I watched this movie ONCE as a kid, and “You ROBBED NASA” and “dropped a grape” have been stuck in the deep deep recesses of my mind ever since.
  • Look, if someone in the club I was in straight up invented time travel, I'd be calling him "Glorious Leader" and following him into literal life or death struggles.
  • @donnadie2068
    As a native Spanish speaker, I can confirm that when a boy and a girl are friends, they're called "amigos".

    This video has been approved by the Spanish community.
  • @Itsgay2read
    So we gonna talk about the fact that they were stripped of their clothes and redressed in cheerleaders uniforms by (presumably) the football team? This feels like a crime
  • @gayliljaehyun
    can’t believe i have to become a screenwriter and casting director to give jason dolley the second chance he deserves
  • just realized my brain somehow misremembered this movie and until you said Hatching Pete i genuinely believed the chicken mascot was a plotline in Minute Men 😭💔
  • As a conveniece store clerk I can confirm that you can buy the specific numbers for a lottery ticket
  • 1:00:56 This lucky lady is happy to have a small part in this amazing video! Minute Men is definitely one of those childhood memories that you forget about until you randomly have the smallest whiff of something and it all comes rushing back. Can't wait for more videos!
  • 1:01:40 I can't even begin to describe how much I love the details of this skit:
    - the fact that past you was randomly in front of the minutemen high school for no reason
    - while wearing a minutemen ski costume
    - while over elaborately proclaiming to never wanting to review minutemen
    - the absolute 0 surprise in seeing your future self
    - the 0.1 seconds it took to change your past self mind about the review
    - the even quicker transition into reviewing minutemen with an impromptu 1+hour long script ready to go

    Definitely my favorite joke of the video.
  • @DrC4Prez
    Now that we're adults, can we talk about how wild it is that Derek didn't ask Virgil to go back in time to stop HIM from cheating, he asks Virgil to stop STEPHANIE from catching him? Meaning that he doesn't regret his actions, he just doesn't want to deal with the consequences. If that ain't some high school bullshit i dont know what is.
  • Its so weird that they got to high school as a trio of best friends then the moment the movie says he's a nerd neither one of them do anything to prevent it but claim they did and proceed to ignore him for 3 full years until he can be of use to them.
  • @bleachyidioms
    every time i watched this movie i was always like, “they would ABSOLUTELY call him Virgin if this wasn’t a DCOM,” so watching this video was very cathartic for me. thanks
  • @fedorakirby2250
    I love how Keyan Carlile videos will always have a fun game of “how many degrees of separation is this thing from Transformers,” I am honestly here for it.
  • @segafan1316
    "This day you hate so my favorite day" had young me bawling. Still the best bit of the movie and the reason I remember it
  • I always liked that the extras in this movie are actively aware of the plot and unlike other movies they react when people shout concerning things in public spaces
  • @weik-2936
    the most important takeaway from this video is Keyan got rickrolled by a child
  • @Armedus
    Minutemen beat out another time travel classic, Steins Gate, by being the first to have a time machine centered around a microwave. I'm now convinced that the movie's screenwriter was a time traveler.