Published 2022-09-30
Come with us as we take the back tracks through to Australia's hottest town Marble Bar. This track had so much to offer and our old girl was really pushed to her limits when we had to drive through the sandiest tracks we've ever done!

At the end of the track, we take the time to explore the small town of Marble Bar and all it has to offer.

ENJOY GUYS!!! And thank you for watching...!!

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All Comments (21)
  • Man after my own heart, I set out to complete the lap back in 1992 with a camper and never finished. Yet your just legendary what you’ve accomplished with Siri and the Kombi. Maxine is such wonderful support she’s priceless and you wouldn’t be able to make this journey without each other’s full support. Hat’s off to you both and thanks for sharing what some would consider hum drum we’re along for the ride. All the best!
  • @henrygreen19
    Love it - just a great piece of travelling this episode !! That bus MUST end up one day in some Australian Hall of Fame. You guys are busy with something absolutely awesome. Best.
  • Also love Karstans analogy 'if you dont die, everything else can be fixed'....hes so right! Just go for it...
  • Really enjoy your vids, going on tracks we can't do with a van!! Zuri and the lemonade was priceless, her sigh so cute.
  • Exciting drive guys,especially for this 75 year old! Well done! You took me back to when I was 7 years old,Dad & Mum had a old Ford Utility loaded up with the camping gear ,& us 4 younger kids,carrying down the old sand track to Hasting Point N.S.W. To go fishing for the holidays. So good on you both for the adventure.take care Elaine.
  • Great episode guys,love watching your adventures around our beautiful country
  • @Nguja
    Love these videos especially because they're in my country. My mother was one of the last people to be born in the old marble bar hospital back in 1967. Only a clinic today. Wish I was there now I could have took you guys out hunting emu and kangaroo maybe a bush turkey aswel
  • @micka6812
    “We could have gone the easy way” lol never gonna happen on this channel! 😂❤
  • That was Wicked as travelling the real outback tracks, way more interesting & thing's to see, loving your adventure
  • There’s a difference between being negative and speaking up for what’s right. You did the right thing by mentioning it on the video because it’s important to say when people are inappropriate. Also good that you held your tongue in the moment. You need to pick your battles.
  • It’s people like the ones you ran into in Marble Bar that are helping to kill off remote town locations. It’s a shame because I know first hand there are many people in the Pilbara that would give a arm and leg to help out others in need. Love your work 👍
  • @gazzafloss
    Adventure plus! You're so right guys, you don't need all the best stuff, most of the best adventure can be had in an old VW Kombi, and that's a fact. Lovin' it...
  • @deb-rv5qs
    Great episode guys when I travelled through that area in 1977 we walked into the Ironclad Hotel and it was segregated.. knocked my socks off
  • We had a kombi camper back in the 70’s. Sold it to buy a house & a suburban lifestyle, would love to go back to those carefree days when we didn’t have a care in the world. Now we’re watching while in Isolation with Covid, you are giving us inspiration to get out of the rat race & get out there again🤔Cheers guys, keeping making great memories 😎
  • Lucky this 61 yr old girl wasn’t there in the pub …well done Karstan for biting your tongue ..think I would’ve told them how rude and to f…k off 😳 glad you got out of there enjoy next leg of trip … Love your videos , family and of course The Kombi 👍🏻
  • @geoffhunt6439
    Another awesome video and I love the attitude “you can’t fix die” so very true. Take the back roads and enjoy life.
  • @savethebeeeez
    Another awesome vid! WooHooo! PS I’m glad you commented on the chauvinistic behaviour at the bar and called them out.