Chaos Super EE WR in 2:39:42 (read description)

Published 2024-02-11
DISCLAIMER: Sound and Screen go out of sync!! OBS doesn't like it when I try to record 3 hours of footage. For a pleasant experience, watch the video over on Twitch: (which is without a timer though).

I've been practicing all 4 maps for a bit now and I thought it was time to start attempting the super. After about 4 streams I got this run and I'm pretty happy with it. Voyage and IX especially did not go as well as I wanted it to go, but the luck on Ancient Evil made up for it.

Dead of the Night 00:00
Voyage of Despair 34:06
Intermission 1:26:20
IX 1:32:00
Intermission 2:16:00
Ancient Evil 2:18:10

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