How Ann O’Neill turned grief into good for victims of domestic violence | Australian Story

Published 2018-11-26
Kyle and Latisha were killed by their father as they slept in their Perth home. Their mother Ann O’Neill was left maimed and traumatised by the unimaginable horror. Two decades on, she's a source of hope for other victims of violence.

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All Comments (21)
  • @linda2468lou
    Norm's mom is seathing in anger for Ann for she sees her son as the kind young man that he used to be before he first became a stalker and then a murderer. What's even worse is that he shot his own children in the heart. It was his own derangement which allowed him to murder and no one else's. Norm's mother should apologize to Ann.
  • @alison4316
    The mother in law saying guilt was 50-50 ..... Disgusting.
  • @mexikat
    The absolute gall of people - especially the in-laws - laying any blame on her, at all!!! It makes one want to just shake the mother-in-law and say "maybe if you had done a better job raising Normy boy - he would not have grown up to kill his own kids". That is such a stupid accusation to make - it is just as ridiculous for someone to blame Norm's mother as it is for her to blame her daughter-in-law. I remember my ex-mother-in-l;aw asking me what had I done to push my ex into hitting me?!!!! That's the problem, I think - no one takes responsibility for their own actions. It's always someone or something else that's to blame. We need to go back to the days wherein children are taught that there are consequences to our actions - bad behavior has time outs or whatever outcome set for bad behavior - just as good behavior can earn praise, etc. Completely obvious that I'm an old, out-of-date lady!! hahahaha
  • @Saria_89
    The mother saying it was half her fault, are you kidding me! So she should've just stayed in an unhappy relationship because he loved her so much and possibly couldn't control himself if she left? He was suffocating her and his actions are NOT her responsibility.
  • @JosannaMonik
    They should teach these relationship issues in high school. You can't control or own a person. If your partner decides to move on for whatever reason, that is their right. It sounds so basic, but it's unbelievable how many people don't know that.
  • Why do the mother's of murderers blame others? Absolutely disgraceful reaction.
  • @smuirhead3107
    Oh my Anne. I wished I met you. My two children and I survived domestic violence but the healing has been a long painful road. The anguish and loss is unfathomable. Thank you for your work
  • What a wonderfully inspiring woman Ann is. Such a gentle nature. Her new man seems lovely and their son adorable. She deserves happiness. As for the ex mother in law, don't get me started there
  • @warialdasue
    The mother in law needs to realise she raised a monster who murdered his own children
  • @norxgirl1
    Oh my!! My brother completed suicide....blood alcohol .18 on autopsy. Left behind 2 little girls and a wife. The marriage was difficult. My family (not me, only) blamed his wife. She had her issues, but she could not reparent and save the troubled soul of my brother. For my family to admit how incredibly dysfunctional they were, as well as the very damaged individuals they had born and reared, was just not in their capability. Takes character to realistically look at yourself and your family... So very sad....
  • @nightangle476
    Iam a mother, I can't even imagine what this strong amazing woman has gone through after loosing her kids.
  • He shot them ""mother"" They were asleep A 100%Cowardly Attack No 50/50 here!!
  • @lifesjourney65
    WOW! The in law family are bloody unbelievable!!!! omg, seriously???? Thank God she ignored all the negativity, left them all behind, forged ahead, and look at her today!! Great story told
  • @suecathcart4687
    It was an extremely tragic event which led this courageous woman down this path to help others - I am so grateful for beautiful humans like her - this was a wonderful filmed documentary
  • The mother's denial and loyalty to her son explains his horrific actions.
  • The victim blaming by Norm's mother is appalling. So though Ann was unhappy in the marriage and chose to separate, it's her fault he shot them?? So she should have stayed so that he wouldn't have shot them.