This Might Be The Best Way to Build a Stealth Bomber Ebike

Published 2023-03-23
Complete Stealth Bomber ebike build from scratch to test ride! A lot of this video is wiring, which, if you're building an ebike is what you're going to spend most of your time doing. I show how to set up a wiring panel that includes a bunch of components like the contactor, fuse box, ignition relay, and others that are often skipped on an ebike, mostly due to lack of space. I also show how to wire your switches and accessories in a way that's easy to service and assemble. Once the bike is assembled, I take it on the road and test all the different riding modes, acceleration, top speed, and regen braking.

This is a pretty long video so be sure to use the chapter to jump through the different sections!

Need help with your build? Schedule a consult.

Battery Build Video

   • How to build a MASSIVE 72V DIY batter...  


3D printed standoffs…

Other 3D printed parts

Stealth Bomber frame…

QS205 V3 Motor

Heatsinks used on hub motor

Sabvoton SV72200 Motor Controller…

DNM Front Fork…

Rear Shock (I got the 200mm but 190mm might be better)…

CT-22 LCD Display…

Headlight (I used two of these in parallel)…


Thumb Throttle (for variable regen braking)…

Handlebars (get the longest ones)…

Bicycle Seat…

Contactor (this is just a link to the specific one I used - you can probably find it cheaper. I got mine on but they are now out of stock on these)…


DC-DC converter…

72V Relay…

Fuse Block…

Blade Fuse Holder…

Terminal Block (used for ground bus bar)…

Switch I used for lights…

Switch I used for contactor…

USB Port…

0:14 - Wiring panel intro
3:19 - Testing the wiring panel
6:19 - Placing components into the frame
7:24 - Explanation of high-voltage wiring and connectors
10:54 - Testing components and accessories
12:23 - Controller wiring harness explanation
16:04 - Phase wire harness and pass-throughs to controller
17:24 - Battery compartment stand-offs and padding
20:46 - Placing the battery pack into the frame
24:09 - Assembling the bicycle components
25:23 - Explanation of all connectors in assembled frame
29:55 - Another test of all accessories in the assembled frame
31:51 - Cleaning up the wires inside the frame
(I did not film mounting of the wheels or placing the battery pack in the assembled frame, sorrraay)
33:16 - Testing the hub motor
35:34 - One final test of everything on the assembled bike
36:00 - DONE!
36:18 - Test ride 🏍
35:46 - Eco mode 🍃
37:11 - Normal mode
37:49 - Variable regen braking
39:00 - Sport mode 🏋️
40:26 - Acceleration test 🏍🔥🔥🔥
41:27 - Top speed test 🏎
43:32 - Thanks for wat

All Comments (21)
  • @fleshpistol
    Such a beautiful future where we can build awesome motorbikes with hella sketchy sheet. What a time.
  • @Skiridr22
    This is one of the best E-Bike build I have seen on YouTube to date
  • @xpndblhero5170
    This was such a clean build, literally everything was done to make it as perfect as possible..... Well Done man. I imagine this bike as having a very high resale value and you could ask a pretty penny for it and you would get it easily.... 😮🖤🖤
  • @jfeliciano15
    Beautiful Work Brother. I love it when someone takes the time to do these builds the right way. Thanks for sharing.
  • @SimonatMac
    Hello from Germany. This bike was nicely designed. I’m not into dirt bikes, but this is sweet. I ride an ebike also built by myself.
  • @zadraking
    I love custom builds like this with all this attention to detail but i never have the patience to do all this build work.
  • @joshpointoh
    I just spec'd mine out with china.: 72v 8000w 40ah 100a controller, red frame, gold rims, headlights and brake lights, hydraulic brakes, 203mm 4 piston, zoom front and kke back suspension, motorcycle seat, alarm, color display, 19 inch turtle tires. 2100 delivered
  • @denzilhamm331
    Any halfway competent auto tech could replicate this and definitely should. What a killer simple circuit design and build, so sick 👌
  • I really like the the way you fused the input and the output thats tell me that you are knowledgeable man .and that difently the right way to protect the wires from getting overload current.and the input from getting over charged ..very professional...I cant imaging big companies selling their e bikes without even an input fuse 😂 they dont have money for that but its really against the safety rules & the NEC code ..dc current can fry any thing alive is not a joke to deal with Dc
  • Thank you for taking the time to explain the electrics in detail, will have to re-watch to take it all in :)
  • @pnewt8458
    Felt like I was having fun without even being there 😄cool man very cool
  • Such a clean inside. I wish I was better with electronics to make things like this and run additional LED’s.. I’m learning but very slowly. update: Ended up getting the Garmata seat with the stash box and I think I will mount my controller there. Who knows. I plan to finish my build within a year or so haha. Already burnt one motor by the phase cables getting ripped from the disc brake :( I will attempt a 3D printed cable holster that holds a washer against the swing arm to prevent any drag on both sides.. that was one thing I didn't see was how you ran your cable through the disc brake.
  • @buggerlugz6753
    Awesome set up! It'd be worth considering if batteries and motors weren't so ridiculously expensive.
  • @rickc2222
    Excellent explanation of wiring up a high power ebike. saved for my future build. thank you!
  • @Tha_AntiChrist
    I almost wish I went to school for electronics instead of welding. You’re awesome man. Wish I could remember that much information.
  • @getnpayd1964
    FANTASTIC! I want to thank you for the electronics crash course in the beginning -- illustrating the function of the relay and how the positive and negative current factors in. I am a COMPLETE novice and do not understand electronics (actually fear it). But with that explanation, I am beginning to understand it a bit more, despite my previous failures. Do you teach electronics or something? Anyways, excellent job and presenting it so that an idiot (like me) can understand it. (smile)
  • i would 100% buy this exact model. i just love how it looks. even just the frame and ill put the electronics in myself.
  • @dailyrider2975
    Just re-watched this. Such a well done video! Thanks. So 8000w at 60mph, 2000w at 25mph.
  • @Starr3712
    That’s a nice motorcycle, definitely not an ebike at that speed. Would recommend putting turn signals on it too. Crazy how that feature isn’t more common on ebikes.
  • @mine0002
    I know the bat straps should keep the bat from sliding forward and contacting the angled part of the frame, but I would put a bumper between the battery and the angled frame.