
Published 2017-08-20

All Comments (13)
  • I always watch/listen to a positive vid & I picked yours, and loved it. Closed my eyes & listened awesome great stuff!
  • @cherbear6377
    thank you thank you thank you please don't stop your videos I'm in a taper I'm following it I'm doing everything you're saying and I need you to keep motivating me and on the straight and narrow I'm doing this for me for me for me I'm done with the chains and the ugliness I'm getting off of Suboxone
  • @jerryjerry7624
    Because of what you said in yesterday's video about the importance of goals, I did as you suggested..I write down 5 things I achieved and also ten things I genuinely want to achieve. That but was the hardest and it shocked me that I found it so hard to find just ten things I wanted to complete successfully. Your approach is just so simple, so direct, but just right to get me where I want to be. Many thanks Jerry
  • @UGPVlogsLA
    OMG, what a brilliant video. Eveything you said is so true. I was a slave to Suboxone for 10 years. Now by watching the positive videos on YouTube about tapering off of Subs, I'm almost clean. It got to the point that I was severely depressed and yes, you have to say "Enough" and get off this shit. Set goals, surround yourself with positivity and good people. I'm back working my ass off and I don't even carry an emergency piece with me. I found a Dr who prescribed me Ambien for sleep, a 30 day supply and I think I've only needed it once. I ain't getting addicted to any drug. Life is too short and drugs fucked my life up big time. Stay away from people that bring you down. Oh yes, I'm done with people using and abusing me. Those aren't friends. Even my family, my bitch sister who has everyone back home supporting her turned her back on me a few weeks ago. I don't care. We all have shit in our lives. It's how we deal with it and we all make our own choices. Mine is just to take each day as it comes, soon ill be free of Suboxone. I'm at the point where I'm so glad I did a slow taper as I still went through some horrible withdrawals. It does pass. I've also got my dog walking business and horse training etc, so I'm out in the fresh air and not isolating myself. Boy, I've come so far that I would be terrified if I took a whole 8mg Suboxone again. That crap is made by the devil. I'm just using about 20mg of weed chocolate for sleep and the Klonopin. That's it. I don't drink alcohol anymore. Keeping busy and your mind busy makes a huge difference. I can think so much clearer now too. Suboxone just made me super depressed and it also changes your personality too. Good Luck to everyone who is going through this too. You can beat this drug!
  • @jsims495
    Im in SC..PeeDee area. Tapering now and can't wait to finally feel normal. Been on for over 3 years..i feel like it's done more damage over the time. I'm done
  • @kevo8137
    heyyyy SC. Im from Augusta. Take it easy. Love the vids and they are very motivational.
  • @HalfwayJac
    You have no idea how much this helped me. I’m tapering, and by the 17th I plan to jump. You made me feel like I can actually do it.
  • @davewalker8850
    Man I need your videos, exactly what I'm going through, approximately a year ago I'd stopped benzos after about a year of slowly cutting with Dr help I'd gotten down to o think.5 mgs of Valium, after years of hard Xanax ECT, so o told work I might be sick a few days, also I had been slowly cutting Suboxone over approximately 3 years exactly as you've explained, well about six months ago I had gone 21 days with out any Suboxone and about six months free from benzos, I thought I had kicked the worst drug being the benzos not putting alot on the Suboxone, anyway I after 22 days I was basically very very very depressed and unfortunately instead of going to a friend that knew what I'd been through and had actually accomplished and asking for advice I went to a sub Dr and yes like a complete fool started taking subs again,so here I sit in my prison again begging praying for answers I'm trying so hard I'm to the point of thinking maybe cold turkey but I'm think after watching your videos I've got to make a plan and start taper again I just can't be down for another year again my body and mind just can't take it I don't believe, any way man I wish you were closer I'd start working out with you ECT, I'm very much into exercise ECT before all this anyway I keep trying to make a plan and I seen to procrastinate every thing on Suboxone anyway I just wanted let you know I just found your videos and thanks most hope I've found in some time!
  • @davewalker8850
    Shit I'm pretty confused but your videos are helping me just found!
  • @kimbrly43
    How much time do you wait between tapers? Week month??