Physicists Proved the Universe Isn’t Real

Published 2022-11-19
Physicists Proved the Universe Isn’t Real
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When we sleep, we can hardly distinguish reality from a dream. So how do we know what’s real and what’s not?

To scientists, something is “real” if its properties are determined prior to being measured. An apple can be green even when no one is looking at it. But the quantum world seems to be following different rules.

And three scientists have recently won a Nobel prize proving our universe isn’t locally real.

But if our world isn’t real, what is this place we live in?

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All Comments (21)
  • @rosenbaum75
    After learning about quantum entanglement, the Double Slit experiment, and Shroedinger's Cat years ago, I fully believe that the universe itself is conscious even at the quantum level. It seems consciousness is woven into the very fabric of space and I find it incredibly fascinating. We are simply the part of the universe trying to understand itself. Weird. Edit: I didn't expect my comment to be so thought provoking. I'm fascinated by the comments it has inspired.
  • @MrBendybruce
    A couple of nights ago I dreamed that my eyesight had been completely restored. It felt so real that I actually cried with joy in the dream. In this case, it was waking up that turned out to be the actual nightmare.
  • If we are a simulation, than the fact we are here trying to figure that out and who it was that created the program is..... astounding. Imagine playing a video game you created and then one day the characters look at the screen and say, "We know you created us. We've been spending a lot of time researching it to figure it out. We know we are just a simulation and we want to know WHY you put us here." They can't see you, of course, but the jig is up. What do you do? Do you reprogram them? Wipe the drive clean? Cntrl, Alt, Delete? It poses so many questions I can't even begin to think of them all. Truly fascinating.
  • Quantum entanglement. The thing that got me, is how the particles in the Double Slit experiment KNEW they were being observed and the experiment was repeated in other labs.
  • This stems back to "You create your own reality" on so many levels.
  • @user-1wy8wu01
    2 questions/observations: 1. Why/how would Anna "instantly know that Luke's coin should have landed" on the opposite of what she got? Based on what assumption or principle? She could very well suppose that his coin landed on the same side as hers, couldn't she...? 2. The boxes with colored stones inside - if a person is told that the stone inside the box in front of him is either black or white, opens the box and sees a black stone of course he/she would correctly guess what color stone is in the other box immediately. Without needing to receive any "entanglement information". Please explain if I am missing something here.
  • Ever had a dream where in the moment it makes so much sense, but when you wake up it suddenly made no sense what happened...
  • @jrk1666
    scientists will literally award each other for proving the universe isn't real instead of admitting they are wrong
  • @uncensored393
    Tetrahedrons are strikingly similar, in this videos visualisation, to the polys used in 3d modelling. Gets the imagination going in terms of simulated reality.
  • We suddenly woke up in this place and we've been wondering what the hell is going on ever since.
  • @raajreko1565
    This might sound odd, but could we be the universe observing itself thru our consciousness?
  • @alalohwhydee
    For me so far, this is the most plausable option for an acceptable basis for meaning in the universe as we seem to know it. For me it begins to suggest a viable causation and understanding to death, suffering, good and bad, success and failure and the meaning of it all.
  • @RareBM
    What I'd like to know is how do you know the "entangled" 2nd particle from all the others around it? How do you know this (*) and (*) this is the pair that needs to be measured? Im struggling to explain myself but I want to know how do you differentiate the pair..
  • It doesn't matter if we're in a simulation or not. What if we "wake-up" from this simulation in the "real world"? We could ask again if this is a simulation as well and are left with same questions unanswered.
  • @nexstory
    How the universe moves from predictable to random is in direct relationship to how the mind at any given moment perceives and interacts with its world.
  • If there is nothing more real than a simulation, then the simulation is as real as reality gets.