Jonathan Pie: How Putin Weaponized London’s Greed | NYT Opinion

Published 2022-03-11
Featuring Jonathan Pie, a fictional newscaster created by the British comedian Tom Walker:

These are, to say the least, uncomfortable times to be a Russian oligarch.

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, governments are taking aim at the superwealthy with close ties to Vladimir Putin, hitting them with sanctions, cutting off their access to offshore wealth, seizing their luxury yachts and villas and generally making it difficult to be a filthy rich person.

But in the Opinion Video above, Jonathan Pie, the fictional broadcast journalist played by the comedian Tom Walker, argues that even while the United States and the European Union have come down hard on Russian oligarchs, Britain has taken a gentler approach. This response, he argues, is the result of a dark symbiotic relationship that the country has developed with ill-gotten Russian money.

For years, Russian wealth has poured into Britain with few questions asked, helping to finance political campaigns and buoying the luxury property market. Russian oligarchs have been so happy to avail themselves of Britain’s laissez-faire regulatory climate to park their wealth and launder dirty money that the nation’s capital has earned the moniker Londongrad.

And that, Pie argues, is why the British government has been reluctant to step up the pressure on the Russian elite. Stronger sanctions, he argues, would risk hurting Britain even more than they would Putin and his cronies.

“And this was Putin’s plan all along,” Pie asserts. “For 20 years, he’s been slowly neutralizing us as a threat — by using our own greed against us.”

Jonathan Pie videos were previously licensed to RT — formerly known as Russia Today — in the U.K. Mr. Walker has never worked for the network and has had no relationship with it since 2016.

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All Comments (21)
  • Yes, Pie is back on the Times! I'm Adam, the producer of this new Opinion Video with acerbic British reporter Jonathan Pie. What story would you like to see him take on next? (Although if we make another video, he will insist on being a "UK correspondent"...)🙄
  • @lukehp7431
    Taking Jonathan Pie into the NYT was their best decision.
  • @con.troller4183
    The fact that British political parties can accept ANY foreign donations is astounding and vile.
  • @oscartravis5740
    Jonathan Pie is incredible. We live in a time when satire and truth are the exact same thing.
  • @johneland8225
    Tom Walker may be a political satirist but he does tell it in a way that ordinary people can understand, he tells it straight and for that I'm truly grateful, we need this guy more than anyone knows.
  • @kathowed
    Even toned down for the NYT, Pie still delivers his much needed articulate and outraged clarion call for compassion and common sense.
  • @seratonin7004
    I've never heard of this guy before, but the passion, specificty, and humanity with which he delivered this message has made me a fan! 👍
  • @thisiscrazy4122
    Jonathan Pie by UK standard and his usual standard in this opinion piece hasn't swung and missed any shot. Amazing how much we've regressed that we need comedy actors to deliver the hard truths ! Hear, hear to Jonathan Pie, may he be the voice of reason that need in this dark times !
  • @dansplans86
    Thanks to the NYT for giving this guy a platform, nobody in the UK was going to have the balls to do it
  • Everything I feel, but am not articulate enough to express, pours out of this man, in a glorious torrent of words. I am speechless with admiration.
  • Just brilliant, put so beautifully! No matter how many times I watch him he always makes me chuckle. His honesty is above and beyond!
  • @elipa3
    I, as a German, love Jonathan Pie. Go on.
  • @dynamic5109
    Crazy times... When political satire, labelled as "Opinion" is the only source of factual news
  • @spankflaps1365
    The U.K. has the ‘Money Laundering Act’ but this only applies to Joe Public, and not the oligarchs the law was aimed at. For example I had to jump through hoops when buying my house to prove where I got the money, and I was using the family solicitors who knew where every penny of our money had come from for the last 60 years.
  • @momo7gato
    The "London Laundromat" Another aspect not completely made aware to the general public. This greed extends into the Americas and into South and East Asia, as well. Thanks for giving some clarity to what is actually going on. SIGH Just follow the Money if you want to know why things everywhere are so screwed up, especially when there are clear and simple solutions to a great majority of our issues as humanity.
  • @chasidahl8563
    I've long stopped laughing when I listen to JP- I now find myself simply agreeing with every single thing he says. Absolutely superb 👌
  • I used to live in London and my family all still live in the UK. This really annoys me, the price of property is extortionate in the UK and especially London. Locals have next to no chance of owning their own home in London and these loopholes only serve to artificially increase the cost of housing.