Why and How Paul Invented "Christian Theology"

Published 2014-11-12
On Nov. 11, 2014, leading New Testament scholar N.T. Wright, professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and a retired Anglican bishop, presented a lecture on "Why and How Paul Invented Christian Theology."

All Comments (21)
  • @WEkurtz79
    The audio is outstanding. Kudos to the sound/audio engineer.
  • @nyqon
    3 reasons: ex-pagan converts didn't like circumcision, sabbath, and dietary restriction.
  • Dear Professor Wright; What wonderful insights and a breath of fresh air you are breathing upon the not only Christianity but the whole of the world. It is my heart-felt belief that it was Jesus' highest prayer that we all learn what it means to live "on earth as it is in heaven." Blessings, Rt. Rev. Charles V. Davis, A.T.O.M.
  • I don't mean this as any kind of negative comment only a sincere question so I can understand what most theologians are claiming ; are we to regard Paul as infallible ???? Are we to believe Paul spoke to Jesus and that Jesus " dictated to Paul" exactly what he wanted his followers to believe. ??? I am not against that belief but it is a very different belief then one would get reading Acts . Paul hated the other disciples . Did Jesus tell Paul that ??? That Jesus did not want us to follow the disciples ????? I just want to get it straight so we can even discuss it.
  • Paul was never an original apostle of Yahusha. He even said himself that he was a self-appointed apostle.
  • @kjay1500
    It's so amazing to me that people use the book thats in question to defend the book
  • Love your teaching is so good and real marty ...i will be showing it to my family and friends all i can THANK YOU ! ..GOD HAS BLESSED YOU TO THIS FIGHT YES
  • An additional reason why Paul does not specify how people should work out their salvation is this; his audience were expected to have received the Holy Spirit, which would teach them all things. So, by refraining from teaching them exactly what they were to do to work out their salvation, he submits himself and his ministry to the same Holy Spirit working in him.
  • @robertbrown6879
    I like the way Chuck Missler put it so I copied what is I think a quote from him about the Bible:  “It is sixty-six books written by forty authors, written between 1446 B.C. & 90 A.D. But, now we discover that it is an integrated message system from outside our time and space domain.” ― Chuck Missler In other words, it's written by God, guided by His Holy Spirit through his servants, like Paul - however we Christians would want to say it. Even though Paul was talking about the Old Testament, I think this applies to the words written in the New Testament guided by the inspiration of God:  2nd Timothy 3:  "16 All Scripture  given by inspiration of God, and  profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." If it wasn't it would have fallen apart a very long time ago. And, people would not have faith through hearing and hearing through the Word of God. I think Paul's writings included in the New Testament are just part of the whole message of the Bible. So that we don't say, I am of Cephas, I am of Paul, or I am of ...
  • @meteor1237
    Don’t understand how the gentleman knows what Paul said in perhaps only 7 of the 13 letters 2000 years ago? Paul never even knew Jesus. Paul, Joseph Smith and Mohamed all had visions; whose right?
  • Mathew 10:5-6....I came only for the Jews not gentiles or Samaritans??? Paul usurps JC ,James and Peter...hmmm He never met JC and changes entire religion.
  • I think Paul's desire for us to think "Christianly" was very dangerous, for we vary in what we think is Christian Theology is for us, individually. For example, one Christian can use a scripture to promote celibacy as a virtue whereas another Christian can find another scripture in the bible that does not favor celibacy. Thus, this does not promote unity at all. We must find authentic laws about celibacy that are inspired by God we can both agree on. After all, God determines what path is right, not our own theology.
  • Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful
  • @Maymet
    Paul never knew Jesus.....how did he have any right to tell us anything about what Jesus thought?
  • I was worried the comments would be disabled. I'm glad they weren't! I knew this would draw the crazies out and I wasn't disappointed! Thanks everyone!
  • @susumaung5204
    Happy and Peaceful New year Pastor and big blessings to you all
  • After having thought about your wonderful lecture, I feel impressed to say something I believe to be of vital importance. Namely, the gospel of Jesus, The Christ, is not about Jesus; it's about the Kingdom of Heaven. That's his good news! It seems that most Christians don't really get this point. His teachings are not about himself. They are about what we are in God's sight and how we should act toward one another if we want to learn how to live "on earth as it is in heaven." Thanks again. Charles, A.T.O.M.