Gran Turismo 7 Is A Disappointment.

Published 2022-04-26

All Comments (21)
  • @Kaceydotme
    I wanna pin this comment ahead of the premiere & address some stuff about GT7 that I didn't really find a way to work into the video. First: No, Gran Turismo 7 is not bad. I'm not saying it's a trash game or unplayable or whatever people on Twitter are calling it this week. I just am personally not enjoying the game all that much. The driving mechanics are solid, it's a very pretty game, and I am of course glad to see a mainline title releasing after so long.... but the issues I outline in the video make the experience feel very hollow to me, as someone who loved the singleplayer aspects of GT1-6. At the same time, the complete backseat Sport mode has taken is really disappointing to see after Polyphony carved out such an incredible foundation with Sport. It feels like they've overcorrected in response to the traditional, singleplayer crowd-- whose opinions are of course valid, but these two sides of the game could coexist much better than they currently do. I also find the handling model to be a bit shit, with ridiculous snap oversteer in even the slowest, weakest RWD vehicles. This is admittedly a mixture of playing on controller & being used to Sport's more forgiving throttle.... but this is, once again, too far in another direction. I've played iRacing on a controller with less frustration than I've experienced here. It feels as if the entire game was built around GT3 cars on racing tires & everything else just.... doesn't grip. I am glad I didn't end up seeing it as important enough to address compared to this video's main points, because literally the day I finalized the video & sent it off for sponsor review, the 1.13 patch adjusted the handling. It is not fixed, the RX-8 still snap oversteers as if it doesn't have the torque of a lawnmower, but correcting oversteer is now.... possible, instead of a fool's errand. Anyways, I'm excited to hear about how y'all are feeling about GT7. I know it's been a divisive game among fans-- though it seems nobody is without complaints here or there. edit: comments about driving line & assists are pretty rude, and usually wrong. I do not have brake assist on, as some have insinuated. I had TCS on ONE because of how bad the snap oversteer was. Note that this video came out the same day as the patch where they reduced RWD oversteer. Because it was bad. As for the driving line: I have ADHD & I dissociate/zone out really easily. The driving line stops me from ruining a ~10 minute race by accidentally driving off the track or missing a braking zone. if I know a track really well, I don't need it, but I also have trouble memorizing track layouts due to that same disability.
  • @ramenfan0
    I'm actually starting to agree with my dad when he said "y'know, I actually regret wasting £50 on an incomplete game"
  • @HGRAP1
    The issue is that companies took "live service" to mean "release an incomplete game and complete it late"
  • I also thought GT Café was a side mode, I couldn't believe it when I finally got to play the game. I'm still enjoying the game, and I'm still hopeful for the future of it. But if it wasn't for that I'd probably be devastated... Let's hope for the best!
  • @Ikcatcher
    GT7 honestly just feels like an expansion to GT Sport, the fact that most of the UI are practically the same just adds into that argument
  • @bobbybobo6499
    I’m about 120 hours into this game and have really enjoyed racing. With that said I agree 100% with all your points.
  • @1MonoComplex
    Well said, kacey. Glad people are speaking up about GT7. GT7, technically amazing. Fundamentally broken.
  • @WH250398
    What do the game and this video have in common? Both are inaccessible without internet
  • @TheHawtDawg1
    The game feels unfinished at the moment. We're missing race events for Gr 1 & 2, no fan-favorite championships (GT all stars, PD cup, dream car championship, F1, etc), and no seasonal events. Even once you purchase a cool car from the legendary dealer, there are very few things to actually do with the car unless you want to grind money or do custom races. Also kinda disappointed that more than half the soundtrack is from the GT5P-GT6 era. Previous games remixed classic songs from GT1 & 2 in the menus and races. Nowhere to be found now. I can't help but think this game needed another year in the oven, but Sony may have been impatient given the cost to make the game.
  • The game feels so soulless. Any little throwback to past games just feels like it's there to shut the old fans up. Though I like a lot of the customisation for sure, the widebody, the upgrade parts, I also like the car selection. I think PD has this vision for GT to be this grand racing experience with the glamour and class that is portrayed on TV with F1 and Le Mans etc. It's really hard to explain what I mean, but the whole cafe thing, the jingle when winning a prize car, the midi classical-jazz remixes, getting Lewis Hamilton to play the opening theme. There's just this air of pretentiousness that I feel when playing this game. Older GT games just had this amazing playful vibe, they were absolutely full of charm and they seemed to have a rhythm to them. The menus, the music, the noises when selecting or deselecting, the art direction, they just had this amazing flow to them that hasn't been replicated since GT5. I guess I'm really just disappointed about the vibe and feel of the game more than anything, which isn't really fair. I think the correct term for the past 3 releases would be masturbat0ry, and self-absorbed. It's unfortunate.
  • @MrManBuzz
    Having it billed as a "return to form" and the classic Gran Turismo formula returning, I feel pretty betrayed by it to be honest. Replacing the old formula with the cafe was one of the worst decisions in game design I've seen in a lot time. The cafe itself is actually quite a nice feature. It should've been an optional side thing where you had all menus unlocked from the get go, and as you collected cars naturally yourself, you began to fill in the menus. Having the races be track based and not event based (Sunday cup with 3 races, Clubman Cup with 3, Turbo/NA etc) was also a terrible idea. The way they've constructed the dealerships also feels like it's been intentionally restricted for no reason other than encourage FOMO. Why can't I go into the brand central and look at their legendary cars in the way you could in GT4? I loved seeing all the special cars that were in the game, and wondered how did you win them. Speaking of which, something I've not really seen anyway talk about, but I absolutely hate the fact they showed you the prize car before you even started the race. One of the things I found most exciting in the old GT games was seeing what prize car was awaiting you once you won all the races in the event. I simply cannot fathom the people defending this game who claim to have played the older GT games. GT7 is something that had the potential to be great if their first objective was to make a great game, but it wasn't. It's first objective was to make the game just good enough to get players to tolerate it while tweaking everything to encourage the purchase of microtransactions ever so slightly wherever possible at the expense of the enjoyment of the game. Modern gaming has really left me feeling disillusioned with my lifelong hobby.
  • @GamerErman2001
    When I finished the cafe I was really disappointed that I didn't unlock some sort of career mode or a ton of events and championships. I know I can do custom races but they don't seem to provide much of a reward. Also I don't like the daily workout system.
  • @gedav1234
    I was so exited when gt7 came out that I bought it on launch. I didn’t enjoy the cafe it felt like something to get over with to get the full game. But after I completed it the game didn’t have much to offer.
  • @Sleepy_Moon84
    GT7…personally felt hollow. It doesn’t feel as charming as the older titles. I miss having the endless amount of cars, even if they were duplicates. I miss the rock vibe that I got from the series. I miss how we could actually see our car being washed and repaired in GT5, etc. It feels…sterile. Too sterile to the point it feels hollow. I hate being forced to collect cars; I don’t care about that, I just want to build my own car, my own race car. I hate how every race is a catch mission, rather than a grid start. It’s so annoying, because by the time I’m 2nd place, 1st had already finished 3 minutes ago. I want to be a race driver. Not a car collector who stores their cars in some warehouse only to never drive them again.
  • @tHeWasTeDYouTh
    "GT7 needs always online to make it better" -said no one ever
  • @bobbobson3652
    I honestly can't fathom why they tried to reinvent the wheel here, the campaign system from 4 through 6 worked just fine. But this? No Gr1 and 2 events? A general lack of events? A side system that's forced down your throat as the main objective? It makes the game feel as sparse and barebones as GT Sport.
  • @henrik1743
    Totally agree with you, I feel it so tedious to have to press 20 loading menus to change anything or to go anywhere in the game, so outdated in that respect.
  • @JesseAllenJr
    I didn't realize until this video: the camera has never been hard locked to the rear exterior until GT7 - the most beautiful racing game on the market. It seems counterproductive toward showcasing a gorgeous game - what could they possibly gain, from a programming perspective, by having players restricted to a single exterior angle? Watching it in this video makes it painfully apparent how stiff and straight up 80s era that camera angle is. Edit: seems ppl are missing my point. Changing the distance or FOV of your camera means nothing if you can't change the angle of approach, aka look at the side of your car. I shouldn't have to enter a camera mode or garage to see the side of my car in a game this beautiful lol. Hell I think NFS on the 3DO even had side view in the early 90s.
  • @Jeyeyeyey
    A modern game is a letdown? Who could've seen that coming!
  • @cristhian900
    When you end up redownloading Project Cars 3 because it doesn’t take ages to collect cars and isn’t online service only, you know PD messed up