the history of Elden Ring, i guess

Published 2024-02-27
elden ring lore

honestly was really hard trying to make a 10 minute video out of all the lore in elden ring in a comedic way.

i tried my best to simplify it in a way where the story is still okay, but had to cut out a LOOTTT of content.

This is also my first time drawing these deformed stick figures with my mouse on ms paint/photo shop and THAT took the life of my hands away, so in the end im actually glad i cut out a lot of sht because if i made a 30 min video in this style, say good bye to my hands lol.

in the end this took 2 weeks to make soooo enjoy the video!
(very open to feedback)

All Comments (21)
  • @game.mp4
    wow i didnt expect this many views lol. appreciate all the feedback!

    this is the first time i tried making this type of video(editing, scripting and drawing-wise) and i lowkey was a zombie near the end.

    drawing all this sht with a mouse on mspaint/photoshop really got me fcked up. anyways thanks for watching!!!!
  • Funfact in limgrave if you walk south from the first step grace sight you will find crucified peoples these are actually tarnished who didn’t make it out of the lands between which comes from the description of the rusted anchor weapon
  • @JP12345
    1:43 "So that's pretty much where all life started"

    13 Missed calls from Dragonlord Placidusax
  • @user__214
    What I learned from this is that if you lose to Maliketh, it should erase your game save. Because his blade stops you from resurrecting.
  • @_Zlatan
    good video but Mohg wasn’t sent to underground he was banished to the sewers like his twin and when he snuck out he left an illusion in his place you can find his illusion in the sewers right before the frenzied flame
  • @fourdayz1414
    I appreciate that you drew Radagon with cake. As we all know Radagon/Marika had the biggest bakery in all of the land’s between
  • @baimer5588
    Ah yes the fusion video of vaatis lore video and the history of the entire world, I guess

    I guess
  • @JR--15
    Great video fr. One note is mohg was also locked up under leyndell, he just escaped
  • @buciboldi522
    The fact that this type of video exists about Elden Ring is wild.
  • @peri5552
    great video, gonna send it to my friends who didnt understand the lore, but one correction for around 5:40 : mohg was not sent to underworld, he was supposed to be at leyndell sewers along with other omens. we fight an “illusion” of Mohg in the sewers, since he’s actually supposed to be there. but in reality, mohg found another outer god, I think it was called formless mother or something, that relates to all those bleed stuff. But since Mohg is an Omen, not an Empyrean he cannot be a vessel for Greater Will, so he kidnapped his half brother Miquella(who is an Empyrean) in his cocoon after the shattering, to the underworld to “wed” Miquella and and be Elden Lord(?) as his consort, via inheriting Elden Ring and empowering HIS OWN outer god. I kind of messed up explaining in the end because of the small screen of mobile comment section but it’s something like that.
  • @drakenystrom1798
    I couple of Lore inaccuracies but I can chalk that up to comedic effect which I respect, SmoughTown does amazing long form videos that could be similarly summarized in this comedic style I highly recommend them.
  • @freshskittles92
    this was cool. really liked the editing and art style you used.

    and god damn them two fingers creepy
  • @Friedwuff
    You did great reaserch and explained everything perfectly. Keep up the work <3
  • @smoochumsmcgee
    such a great video it put so many pieces together. i’ve watched hours of lore videos and feel like i could’ve accomplished it all with this one 10 minute video. outstanding
  • Personally I've always been a fan of the theory morgott was raised as prince until godfreys grace was taken, it seems extremely likely
  • @loner2k786
    I've never been able to watch through a whole story telling video for a game until today.
  • @eurongreyjoy2
    Well done. You should do some more specific topics in the lore
  • @EliasBremer
    this was truly amazing. there's so many lore videos on youtube but none like this. i prefer this. no time wasted. If you have the energy it would be aweseme to see more elden ring lore videos like this. I still haven't under stood the entire story of godwyn for example.
  • @imeggcellent4747
    Finally someone explaining the lore in a simple way a pea brain like me can acftually understand
  • @adrenolife1460
    Keep making videos like these and you'll soon be at 100k