Jordan Peterson's Weird Brain (feat. Ethan is Online)

Published 2022-07-31

All Comments (21)
  • @cas6359
    “well, actually, the reason why my shoes don’t fit is because trans teens keep rickrolling me” is such a chaotic combination of words and i need it on my tombstone.
  • @madfisch473
    “oh you wanna be trans? try IMMORTALITY, then we’ll talk” 😎
  • @lesbean389
    "2 girls, but due to the ravages of socialism, they are forced to share one cup😢"- Jordan Peterson porbably
  • I never realized how Jordan Peterson ACTUALLY sounds like Kermit if Miss Piggy left him and he found out about Rumble and 4chan
  • @ElariaFlori
    Fun fact about Jordan Peterson. As my sole 18th birthday present, my parents bought me a Jordan Peterson book, and forced me to read it, because they are worried I'm trans and wanted to get me to "be on a good path". I am indeed trans. The book was shit and full of racism and sexism. The guy thinks human women exist to make men uncomfortable and feel shitty, and blames them all. It is really sad.
  • @mrspreminger
    Normal person: I don’t like the color pink that much. JP: The praxis of the individuals that vouch for the genuineness of their attraction to the pink color is one done, typically by the female sex. A crucial characteristic that affects my decision in this matter is that i am male. Therefore the interests that I possess are prohibited from aligning with those of the female sex, meaning I am disallowed from finding pink agreeable.
  • @R0B1NG5
    My favorite JP quote is: "I suspect ....That overall, the net consequence of hospitals is negative. That's just a guess. That could easily be wrong. But it could also NOT be wrong." Truly, of all the people on this earth today, he is one of them. Its Jorbin' time.
  • i’m watching this while eating dinner in my college cafeteria and i’m paranoid that everyone who walks behind me thinks i’m actually watching jordan peterson
  • @guy84838
    this mans peterson really said the poor and disenfranchised should be gatekept from sharing their opinions
  • @yellobb3848
    “You support trans people? Well y’all die lmao” is just the worse version of “you claim to be pro-life and yet you died? Curious”
  • @vivian-rs2ms
    To speak off the cuff, in a precise manner - which is to say I am getting directly to the point - I am producing (which is to say I am writing) this comment to inform you all: I thoroughly enjoyed this video.
  • @jb1996
    jordan, i would LOVE a shirt that says, “the reason my shoes don’t fit is because trans teens keep rick rolling me. - jordan peterson” you can donate some of the proceeds to charities that support trans youths ❤️
  • @malkam.7543
    This is actually a very sinister video. What he's saying is that the people who criticize him on twitter should not have the right to have a voice that is valued at the same level as his. This is because they haven't "earned" that voice through jumping through hoops and getting tons of followers. He is literally saying that ordinary citizens do not deserve a voice, and only those with a following -- like a monarch, a politician, a billionaire, etc. -- should be allowed to have any public, written opinion. This is how people in power keep power, by preventing the population from dissenting. He is literally saying that the people who are governed don't deserve to have a say, because it they were "credible" enough to have that say, they'd be the governor. Also, twitter does not owe him a platform. Twitter is a private company and they have the right to deny anyone service. You cannot fight for laws that allow discrimination by private companies, then throw a fit when you are the one being discriminated against! you made the bed, Dr. Peterson. edit: I'm an ambitious phd student and this proposed study is such a bad research design. No one in their right mind would run a study like that. He has no control group, no way of measuring these variables, no way of screening out alternative causes -- man is bigoted AND bad at research. Holy sh!t, man.
  • This man's life is very hard. Every morning he wakes up and people can just DO things, and they don't even ask his permission. Some dont even consider whether he would approve of their every decision.
  • okay honest to GOD i have never heard jordan petersons voice before and in the beginning of the video when jordan and ethan were doing impressions i thought they were exaggerating. they deadass nailed it, this guy just sounds like he ate kermit the frog and is holding him prisoner in his ribcage
  • How hard is it to call someone what they wanna be called. It's just basic human respect. Like this guy would be pissed if I decided his name is actually Brittany and actually is a woman and used she/her pronouns. You don't do that.
  • I’d love to see a “Peterson-to-human” translation just to see how much shorter the video would then be.
  • @aeime6747
    I'm a philosophy major and to me he sounds like he's trying to craft his persona in a way to convince you that if you don't understand him you're just not as intelligent as him and it's your fault you don't understand. It's hard to understand how a lot of famous and intelligent philosophers write, but there's definitely a difference in character between them and Jordan. Seems very disingenuine
  • @paulsmart4672
    It's so gratifying to finally see someone respond to Peterson with the degree of seriousness and respect he deserves.