The Wacky Worldbuilding of Early Yu-Gi-Oh!

Published 2020-06-23
A look at how the surprise success of Duel Monsters transformed Yu-Gi-Oh! - the supernatural shounen horror manga - into the bizarre, cyberpunk-fantasy-action marketing machine we know today. And all the weird things that happened to the series' world along the way.
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In the depths of his Mother's Basement, Geoff Thew creates videos analyzing the storytelling techniques of anime and video games. He has been named the number one Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer by The Top Tens.

All Comments (21)
  • @Dac85
    In GX a naval convoy was used to deliver booster packs to the school.
  • @jacobbrown2938
    Yugioh, where one character is so spiteful and driven that he almost single handily advances human technology hundreds of years for a card game.
  • @miguelmello129
    Can we take a moment to appreciate how customer friendly Kaiba's products are though? In the finale of GX Jaden dueled Yugi, who was wielding a duel disk that was roughly 10 years behind his own model and they were still compatible
  • @Kuperman1291
    There's a particular scene that always stuck with me and is when Kaiba is about to get mugged and he challenges the robber to a card duel, the man just goes with it, loses and then disappears off the face of the earth.
  • @akba666
    People say war drives technology forward, but nah, war is nothing compared to one man's need for his salty runback.
  • "they were still using VHS tapes when Kaiba invented holograms" That line absolutely killed me.
  • @maryse4me
    The good news is: if Yugi ever really does create his own game, there’s now way it will die in obscurity...Kaiba will never let that happen. That man will support it in every way possible, for the simple fact that he would have the shot to say that he beat the king of games at his own game 🙃🙃
  • @acehealer4212
    I can't believe Seto Kaiba took over the entire global economy just because he had a hate-boner for a dead king.
  • I can’t believe you didn’t mention the most bananas part of Yu-Gi-Oh! worldbuilding, the fact that (at least according to the Virtual World arc in the anime) there was an on-Broadway musical about Dark Magician Girl. It won a Tony for Best Musical.
  • @0Enigmatic0
    The looting of Domino City has gone on for too long. The top 1% of duelists have all the Egyptian god cards, and the working duelists do not even have health care for when they're mind broken in a shadow game.
  • Why is no one talking about how kaiba admitted that Atem has perfect hair and that it took longer to finish because of his hair.
  • @-AirKat-
    You forgot the most important part of Yusei solving wealth inequality forever with a bridge: he did so by playing a card game really good
  • @danielzogbi5207
    This video doesn't even mention the time in GX where Kaiba fired trading cards into space that were designed by children so they could be bombarded by space rays and gain superpowers. The more you follow this series the more you realize that it's also the story where a supervillain successfully reshapes the world in his image, died beloved, successful, unrepentant, and accomplished all his goals, except for the only one that really mattered: beating someone in a card game. What I'm saying is that Kaiba's the best.
  • @demilung
    Takahashi: All I wanted was a horror story about a murderous spirit, but they keep bringing trucks full of money!
  • To be fair, if all the world's conflicts could be solved with a children's card game rather than violence, I might be willing to accept Seto Kaiba as our mega-capitalist lord and savior.
  • I like how this starts as "Wow, early Yugioh was weird!" and then suddenly morphs into "Kaiba pulled off a real-world Cultural Victory by way of card games".
  • @JackgarPrime
    The only industries more profitable than children's card games in the YGO universe: Hair gel and clothing starch.
  • @Lokolopes7
    Kaiba built a machine capable of taking him straight to the afterlife so he could settle his grudge over a 5 millennia old dead guy on a children’s card game. An absolute madlad.
  • @jayminthomas936
    I think one thing we forget is that Kaiba was in Yugi’s class at the start of the show and then the next episode he’s just owned his company taking over the world
  • Something else that is both hilarious and terrifying in 5Ds: the cops play Duel Monsters to catch lawbreakers. In fact, the rules of Duel Monsters are so immutable to the law and order of Neo Domino city that the bikes called Duel Runners are able to remotely hacked by the police to force a duel, and losing that duel shuts down your bike. The rules of Duel Monsters sit above the police in terms of hierarchy, since if they could hack Duel Runners to force a duel, they could probably just shut down your bike remotely. I like to imagine Kaiba is sitting on his capitalist throne saying "If a criminal can beat you in a duel, then what authority do you have to catch them", and just forces the police to adapt to his survival-of-the-duelist world that he made.