Laid off … again | Tech Layoffs | FIRED FOR QUIET QUITTING

Published 2023-08-12

All Comments (21)
  • @TechSav18
    It’s shocking that there are people out there who don’t understand what quiet quitting is. So ya’ll are ok working for free??? 😭
  • @ITGirlll
    When they increase your work, but don’t increase your pay 🚩
  • @ctestare2625
    I totally feel the same way. To get laid off, work your butt off to potentially join another toxic company to potentially get laid off again. Sorry this happened to you, and I too don’t have a solution, but just wanna say I also feel the same way as you 😢
  • @jerrel.writes
    Dude. Start up trauma is SO REAL. And the job market anxiety… ugh man. Know you’re not alone in this. I also had a similar situation. A target of politics, a narrative formed to get me out of the team. Shit happens in leaner, rapid growing companies. But it’s all for the best. Know you’re not alone!
  • @Helen_590
    I work in Tech as a 33 year old female, and im looking to get out of tech. Tired of corporate life .
  • @eric-222
    Doing engineering work and not get paid as an engineer is very cruel.
  • @Regina.Clarke
    Definitely a red flag when a ton of people are quitting. I too quit a startup and left equity on the table. It was too toxic. I happened to work for free upfront because I wanted to see them win. I walked away at a promising time, but it wasn't worth my soul. Fast forward, I am building my own company and being extremely thoughtful about people who come in. We won't have these problems because we are being mindful of how we hire but centering the beginning around values. It's hard to change culture later; it starts at the beginning...a no toxicity zone has to be declared.
  • @iorekby
    Trust me 2024 is also going to be very tough in tech industry. It will recover, it always does. You learn to ride these ebbs and flows.
  • @Luck-dn4xv
    I’m so sorry this happened to you. It is unfortunate and unacceptable that openly disrespectful behavior, scape goating, gaslighting etc., towards employees is tolerated and this is more pervasive with smaller companies. No one deserves abuse and I’m so sorry that you were put in a bad situation. Emotional abuse and bullying is traumatizing no matter what environment you are in, workplace, internet (trolling), home, school. Sending you great vibes, your experiences and feelings are valid, and you seem like an awesome person. So much courage and grit to share your story and put yourself out there! 💖
  • @brendaroca1049
    Your young and did the right thing. Always always save a little for a rainy day like now. Blessings
  • @edchang9521
    Avoid toxicity at all times. Good to move on
  • @mccolk
    I'm sorry this happened to you. I just got laid off from my startup the end of October. I'm in the same boat where I don't want to work at another startup only to get laid off again rinse and repeat and employers look down on you if you have resume gaps, which is ridiculous but the reality right now. I think I'm going to focus on less volatile startups (Series A) and avoid pre-seed if I can. The pre-seed ones are where I've worked and experienced layoffs because their funding is so unpredictable.
  • @elim243
    I can relate to every single word, the difference is that I never worked in tech field. So you're definitely not the only one feeling like this. Got layed off, I stayed 5 months in fear as I just felt rhat I have nk escape. All the companies are the same and I will se the same bullshit no matter where I go. Bit I just removed those thoughts, I learn to think simple and live simple and I just felt peace. God bless you!😊
  • @esahoosa
    I really relate to this and it takes a lot of bravery to open up about a toxic work environment. I'm in a similar situation in a smaller medium sized tech company and my leadership and management doesn't care about me or my career growth. I'm basically just a ticketer and do calls nonstop getting paid below the market standard for my position. No one else in my position gets called out for checking their phones or "hanging out", but apparently since I'm the new guy, I get scolded and lectured like a high school student. Also I forgot to mention, that there's no new hire training and I have to setup meetings and make requests to learn about certain topics. It's my first tech job, since I recently transitioned into this field and I'm self-learning to become a software engineer. Every day is a battle, but just getting my experience so I can bounce ASAP. Great video Savannah! :)
  • @Viper4ever05
    I realized the hard way I am not really a fan of the tech space even on the accounting and finance side of the business. Everyone feels so phony
  • @watamutha
    And old people wonder why young people want to work anymore
  • @SAR4UH
    Im coming back to this video after replying to your first one . I want to say I’m so sorry this has happened to you , I honestly think for from your personal the company seems unprofessional in some fields . This is a learning lesson and one day I hope you can find that reason why it is 😊
  • @tiffanychan6272
    The world is your oyster fr!! :) I agree w the last point especially .. tech is soo self involved sometimes its easy to forget theres sm more out there
  • You look very young and I am old and have worked in tech all my life. Big companies are often better because things are not so personal and things are handled more professionally. I have worked in four startups during my years one was wonderful the other three was terrible with all the red flags you mentioned. Big companies can change over time and the job can become boring but still you have your salary. Hope you find your dream job! ❤️
  • @alex0917lfo
    I love coding. I do Leetcode like playing a video game. However, the Software development environment is sooooo toxic. My first SE job was at a big Fortune 500. I applied for junior but had no idea why I was T3 and a month later I needed to deal with 24/7 on-call. I got laid off around March and now I am in school about AWS. I felt like we all had the same feeling right now. So, the only advice for all of us who getting layoff and feel lost is............... don't think too much. Do and think of things that you can control, such as how many Leetcode questions per day, and how many hours should study per day.......Life is hard but will get better