When you realize who the Villian is // Credits song for my death [Cubed Remix]

Published 2022-07-31
This is my remix of the Credits song for my death
(yes i know im late to this)
If you're new to the channel, dont expect this type of content regularly

Original Song by vivivivivi :    • credits song for my death  

Thx for all the support on this video but i wont be making a 2nd version as i am just unable to, ive been trying for months and just nothing sounds good, i hope someone else can be inspired by this and make an even better version. For the 2nd verison i was going for a more Mick Gorden DOOM type of drop but i just couldnt get it to work, I hope someone out there could make that version i dreamt of, as sadly i cant. If someone does or already has please send it to me 🙏

0:00 Waiting
0:35 Clues
1:10 Deat

All Comments (21)
  • "If you know what your doings wrong why don't you stop?" "Because if I stop now there would be nowhere to hide."
  • "All this time I thought I was deceiving the enemy, but I was deceiving myself from the truth of who is at wrong here.."
  • 0:01 You peer through the curtains, as though you've remembered this side of the stage before. The back of the person looks vaguely familiar, the obscured entity turns towards the screen. They seem quite unnerved by their crumbling stance. You seem unfazed to even assist them. The voices and images on the screen all come so familiar. These were your thoughts, your plights, your viewpoints. The sounds you hear begins to turn your stomach 0:35 This figure let's out a whimper in your tone, and starts sulking to the floor, for the images are upsetting and depressing... It's your own life. Every scene looks so dreadful and morose. The suffering you had endured, the friends you lost to your own shame, all trials with no reward. Your grip to the instrument in your hand tightens. That miserable creature brings out the disdain and anger in your being. The dull metal of the sickle you make out from the dark reaches out to the edge of the light. A new feeling fills your empty mind. 1:11 The sickly rake yelps out in fear. It's wearing your face. It's what they saw in you. What you saw in the mirror when you were alive. The weight of your roiling emotions disappear into the blade, aiming at the cowering mass almost on its own. It's as laid prone as you are familiar to it. The body you now own begins to move at its own whim, driven by it's hungering metal to ravage the pulp in such a disgusting creature. A cleansing seems to be your one desire. Roll for initiative.
  • how it feels to realize the methamphetamine kingpin you've been hunting down was really your brother in law
  • @Mickey-rg1gl
    The way it picks during "Death" is just God-Tier, it needs to get more tramatic and louder like you're in a rage of not knowing sooner who the villian truly was but other than that I love this version, it's just as good as the [Canned] version is.
  • @weegee42069
    1:10 is like realizing everything is done for, what you loved what you fought for your dreams turned into dust and you are just contemplating the end of your life
  • @Fractvred
    This is like a song where you confront the person you’ve been trying to kill, only to enter their base and find mirrors EVERY WHICH WAY. It doesn’t take a moment to realize.. You were the villain this whole time.
  • Ending 40 [Realization] Get this ending by realizing something. Either that you have been betrayed, you weren't the hero or you were but a toy.
  • @fumetsu4323
    After so many wiped out stages beaten bosses you meet the true hero, and you're the real villain.
  • @dayyr
    When you realize that the Villain is you
  • @lavacubed
    [READ THE 2ND EDIT] Im currently working on a more refined version of this which will also have some more instruments, if you have any ideas or suggestions please leave them in the comments or reply to this, as i would appreciate any ideas that you have Edit : Sorry this has been taking awhile, but i want this song to be perfect. 2nd Edit : Thx for all the support on this video but i wont be making a 2nd version as i am just unable to, ive been trying for months and just nothing sounds good, i hope someone else can be inspired by this and make an even better version. For the 2nd verison i was going for a more Mick Gorden DOOM type of drop but i just couldnt get it to work, I hope someone out there could make that version i dreamt of, as sadly i cant. If someone does or already has please send it to me 🙏
  • This hits me in a really weird hard way I can’t describe, like part of my soul hurts hearing it.
  • @jinboi8813
    This gave me goosebumps my man. But another way you can make the chills stronger is if you add some cold breakbeat drums in the middle of Death
  • Oh, this is a perfect remix for my new DnD character. Well done, Cubed! I love the contrast and 'realization' that hits at 1:10!
  • @toastforlunch
    You lay down as you watch the battle of your will to live and your suicidal thoughts and depression fight, while the epic music(credits song for my death but I am the final boss) suddenly stops, this song starts playing, you look at them, and hear a thud, turns out the manifestation of your will to live lost, you close your eyes as this song plays in your ear, a sad, desperate moment... But wait, its not over yet