The Last Airbender Angry Review(IT SUCKS) Closed Captioned

Published 2012-07-08
Hilarious review of what is possibly one of the worst movies made of all time. All copyright goes to Angry Joe. I don't make the videos, I just caption them.

All Comments (21)
  • @rickyesdel6170
    I really hope he watched the show...because the movie was absolute crap
  • @TheMcstevester
    my defense for it is this: everything wrong with the movie was done right in the show
  • @death-king1834
    The cartoon handles the conflict between the Avatar and the Fire Nation much, much better!
  • @DmonHiro
    Well, here's a major difference between the movie and the cartoon: In the cartoon, they DON'T need fire next to them. They create the fire from their own chi. This is why the fire nation was so dangerous, because they are the only ones who can create their element. And the comet didn't make them slightly more powerful in the cartoon, it made them 10 times more powerful, and gave them the power to literally burn down the world.
  • @hareemqureshi822
    Amazing cartoon. Book 1- avatar learns water bending Book 2- EXTREME character development and EXTREME secrets revealed Book 3- everything just get 10 times more awesome.
  • @erianle123547
    I had gotten all dressed up in a homemade water tribe outfit to see this movie... I left the theater so mad I cried.
  • @TheMissPelled
    cartoon is one of my favourite stories ever. It is awesome. It explains really well why the fire nation need the comet and why aang has the ability to create a tsunami, but is too inexperienced to do it on command and why it is dangerous for him to even go into the avatar state that gives him  the power to do it in the first place. No spoilers here, just watch the cartoon! i know this review is pretty old now, but wanted to say this anyway :D
  • @ProjectMorFX
    omg fucking watch the cartoon you will love it!!!
  • @JerryReyes
    It really saddens me that there are people who watched this without having watched the cartoon. I genuinely believe that the cartoon is one of the best shows ever made and definitely the best children's TV show and American cartoon series ever. I also hope that having watched the movie does not cloud your judgement of the cartoon if you decide to watch it.
  • @Blyter7
    You need to watch the Cartoon. and korra
  • I remember that the dvd was a top seller, everybody wanted to buy the dvd just to burn it..
  • @nataliee0706
  • @reader111089
    I want an update Joe. Did you ever watch the show? it would only take one episode to see how good it is. Really any episode. The first one I saw was Season 1 episode 17 way back when it was 1st airing because I was looking for something on TV for my 4 year old brother to watch that wouldn't drive me crazy and this show was amazing.
  • Moral of the story folks, movies based on popular Anime/cartoon or video games are usually doomed to fail, and for good reasons. 1.  Avatar the animated series  has a lot of key stuff in it to cover, something that just cannot be done within  an hour or two and with no extensive knowledge on the original cartoon. 2. Some thing's just weren't meant to be made into a live action film. You cannot take something as crazy as  Dragon Ball  and expect the same formula to work in a live setting as it did in the anime. Things like this usually don't get perceived well by  fans familiar with the series, and the same can be said for Avatar The Last Airbender. 3.  Poor portrayal of characters: This is a big one since guys like me who have seen the original cartoon knows how certain characters are supposed to act. In the animated series Aang was not always that serious, sure he was the avatar and was fully aware of his task to restore order to the world, but  there was a balance  between his serious moments and his everyday natural life,  something the movie failed miserably at. In conclusion it's only the movie that fail short and gave the cartoon a bad representation.
  • @kseverens
    I completely agree on your view on the movie, but do not say that the story or the anime is bad when you have never watched the anime. This movie is far far worse than the movie. It is an insult for this movie to even have the same name. If the series would be a 9/10 this movie is like a 2/10. I like you, but don't judge things that you haven't even seen on base of a horrible adaption of it. Just wanted to get that out of my system :)
  • @rydermccall3590
    No Joe, I will NEVER see the movie. I'll only watch the cartoon.