Don’t CHASE the avoidant ex!

Published 2024-07-29

All Comments (13)
  • @MaryAnneRosato
    I finally told the avoidant, "I don't chase, I don't beg, and I don't go where I'm not wanted." Block.
  • I am sorry for all of you who loved so deeply as I have. I’m sorry we all loved an avoidant , only to have our hearts ripped and shredded .
  • @andybiddle9088
    Its crazy and very sad at the same time. If they were treated badly and werent shown love, youd think they wouldve learnt, as an adult, how to treat people and not to shit on them from a great height. Its sad, because we dont really know the battles that theyre fighting in their heads. To discard a healthy and happy relationship, when they long to be loved....and all youve shown them is love...they must be really fucked up. I was discarded in February, when it was all going great. With the help of Ryan, im heaps better now... I was a mess in the beginning! I do still miss her and i do still hope she'll get intouch., but ill only wanna be friends. At the end of the day, she's a lovely lady with a great sense of humour.....but with a mental illness. Plus.... When she dumped me, she was grieving the loss of her dear friend, so her stress levels were off the scale. Ive since found out this was a major factor in why i was discarded.
  • @Aufwiedersin
    I have done it coach I just want to save the thing between us and yet I got ghosted. Its still breaks my heart the lack of empathy. How a healthy human being who live all that good things with you can be so disrespectful. I still couldn’t process it . Its been 65 days and I am still waiting. Waiting for an apology. I know the relationship will not work out but did he never truly cares about me :(
  • I appreciate all these posts ryan, I thought I found somebody I can be with for a lifetime as im an anxious attachment style she love bombed me to no end and then talked about how I was so perfect and then she just got distant on me and I asked her why and she had no explanation so I called her one night and talked to her for about 45 minutes and told her not to forget about me and I told her I loved her and that was that. She said to me after we got off the call that "maybe when she gets her stuff together so like 2 months maybe" thats what she told me and thats what ive been left with. Its only been 2 weeks but man it doesnt get easier does it
  • @mattlaw24
    I told her “I don’t want to be friends with you”. Blocked me 5min after
  • What if they know they are wrong for the ghosting , discard after a 7 year relationship, but because they are avoidant they are afraid to reach out ? They live off fear , so if someone doesn’t break the ice of NC , they night not ever .
  • @palmiccz
    Hello Coach Ryan. Can you please make a video about relationship dynamic of DA + DA? It has to be interesting when they triggers their emotions by pulling away when the other has strong feelings about the other! TY
  • @MitchConner352
    @coachryan can you do a video on DAs and narrow down their behavior further by adult age group and male/female difference
  • @SwevenIthe
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