Experiences Observing Loss Prevention at Wal Mart


コメント (21)
  • Jason Williams thank you for posting this. Please post more. I agree 100% with you. I used to love Walmart and spent a monthly average of about $500 at least. I now hate it and have never returned to Walmart and spend my money elsewhere. I refuse to be treated like that. They will not get another dollar from me again.
  • I'm the same as your intro. I always check my receipt after a purchase, and I'm glad I do that, because one time I used the self checkout like I always do, and one item didn't get scanned. Either I missed it by accident or the scanner glitched, either way I was "stealing" and didn't realize it until I got to my car. After peering over the receipt I noticed it, so I went back into the store. I went to look for the same item in the store, took it to the counter and told the guy "Hey I walked out of here with one of these by accident and didn't pay for it, so do me a favor charge me for this and restock it." He was grateful for me being honest. I told him "I have a conscience and I have to be able to sleep at night."
  • Last trip to Walmart I bought two things and went through Self Check Out and felt very scrutinized. They don't do Customer Service well.
  • @ad03dh
    I feel like recently I have been followed twice and not sure why. Never happened to me before, or at least I have not notice it as much as my past two trips to Walmart. I am not going to shop there anymore either
  • Although your supposed to be catching people. The main objective is to deter theft all together. If you can do that by making yourself known, than that's a job well done. Only downside to that is now they know to avoid you if they ever come in to steal.
  • I had a employee taker her time moving so I could get milk so I said a few things as I walked away " move outta the way for customer to get there product" so I walked back around as she pulled out her phone started recording me taking pics. I walked towards the front if store and told a manager and also called corporate as I was soon notified they are not to be doing that and she was delt with accordingly. I seen her a week later so she wasn't fired unfortunately.
  • If you think someone is LP, look at what they're wearing on their feet. Someone going to work at a job where they might have to chase someone will probably have on tennis shoes. If they have on boots of some kind, they might not be LP.
  • I'll say this from being an asset protection person myself for a few years, I can confirm a good amount of people in the feild happen to be entitled power trip ass weirdos, several of which are actually from well off backgrounds. Don't understand it but that's the case. Due to this fact a lot of them are not street savvy in the slightestt and cannot, I repeat CANNOT, spot a Shady person from a regular customer, hence the tendency to harass the normal customer, either that or they only care about getting a power trip, which may very well be the case. Apologies man. Truly.
  • Lost Prevention lady fake like she was into me following me every time I was at Walmart, but I knew deep down she was fake then after rejecting her her boss came out of the prevention room mean mugging me down lol.
  • Hahah I always mess with them ever since they accused me of stealing once, I even lifted my shirt up to prove they were wrong . He felt silly after and left irritated
    Normal shopper never notice a loss prevention you know why bcuz there not gonna do anything wrong
  • 6:00 I'd heard they'd actually just rather just use a scare tactic for you drop the item and go
  • The reason they follow you in person is because you probably work in a low shrink store, the store i work at is a high shrink and that is where you will find the LP watching you with cameras… most stores cameras are quite basic and bad, almost impossible to follow people in live time dont take it personal it could be 1 random movement that will make them follow u, somthing normal for you could look weird to them.👍 comment if anyonr has any questions
  • You bet there are shoplifters. But much of the losses might also be from internal pilfering. An employee could mix an item in with the trash and then go get it from the dumpster later.
  • I get followed all the time no matter where I go but then again people don't know what a working man looks like anymore. My Wally has everything behind glass now because here in Cali being homeless is the fad. I guess I look homeless lol. Things behind glass now are Pants, nail files, bicycle accessories, aspirin, automotive additives, tools, some toys, bikes locked up. I make it a game to find the LP and mess with them now. I know the bell rings when I go in.
  • 0:40 you've likely always had a job or financial security 1:05 aww thats great.. kudos for you haaa 2:40 walking alone with something in hand goes to a blindspot with item no longer there. Shoplifters dont realize how obvious they bc their perspective is different from the loss prevention staff