Psychic and Spiritual Conversation with Jen Bushmen

Published 2024-05-23
Psychic and Spiritual Conversation with Jen Bushmen

All Comments (16)
  • @zivauri
    I personally grow spiritually by the example of kind and excellent people. Not by repeated negative events. Sorry. Maybe some people do something different. But I have experience with myself and I have researched my life in detail, and I can tell you truthfully, 100%, that it is kind , intelligent and creative energy that teaches me.
  • His Jen and Dave, I just caught Jen with Alex yesterday and was enthralled! Now to find you with Dave, one of my favorites - how exciting!.
  • @minniegee2595
    Don't miss Jen's interview on Next Level Soul. It was so inspirational!
  • @MaggieCI
    Great conversation, and a wonderful channel from Dave. You two complement well in your messages.
  • @cyndilu9
    Thank you Jen and David ❤❤❤
  • My guides told me i had complete my contact. I was mefitating snd ask what was it i was give a doending dlideshow of people i had interacted with in life no exact thing but yhr message was it was how i touched there lives and thats it dome i remember so ?? Do i ask now what im here on borrowed time?? I heard no! You are to learn, teach and use the gifts we’ve given you…. I almost die in dec, i had actually surrendered to GOD, my choir if angles surrounded me and stated we are here with you you are not done you have more to do here, they said breathe at that moment i took a deep breath…. For Christmas god gave me life snd a true renewal of faith! (My stomach snd bowl had ruptured). Im now just coming back to working again… it a sliw comeback, but im so enjoying it
  • @user-xv4xs7nu1v
    I have been working in the hospitals or ER my whole life. Nothing upsets me. Nothing bothers me. I can handle any kind of stuff like that. Matter fact I thrive on it, but after I did a criminal justice course I was going into forensics by crime scene documentation things like that & it was fascinating. I was learning a lot, but then I developed more spiritually I guess not sure, I feel everything that everybody else feels now It gets in the way because Animals suffering I feel it you know I would rather not be that way because that’s not how I always was. You definitely can’t be around certain people an empath I wonder shy the clairvoyance claircognisance, clairsufisnce orseeing spirits took a back seat to feeling what others feel. .
  • @user-xv4xs7nu1v
    I did a self session on YouTube and I did go back course. I’ve been hypnotized three times and I had one automatic one myself and I did see myself and I did learn my name. I didn’t know where I was, but I wish someone had been there because I really wanted to know what I was carrying in my hands , I have wooden shoes and they weren’t even sealed. . Netherlands area. I wish someone had been there. I did look the name up that NAME does exist. I’ve never heard of it before so that’s a good indicator What was wrapped up in the kitchen towel for dessert ?? my son did automatic astral travel and he didn’t know about the silver record. He was eight years old. He heard me talking to my neighbor about it n off because I’m not here my body is here, but I’m somewhere else I had to get a shaman to bring them back.!! He is still adventurous way too much!!
  • @haribunn.medium
    I believe that I have completed this lifetime soul contract. I am now doing work as a Lightworker.
  • When people react to finding out I’m a medium snd i get that weirdness i always tell them up front i don’t read without consent I’m not s mind reader … lol. It doesn’t quit work like that, even if i can read them i wouldn’t tell them! I will pick up on being lied to, i pick up on negative intention easily
  • @Songshare
    I honestly do not resonate with the teaching of soul contracts. It just doesn’t make sense to me at all. And people teach these things with no reference of what authority they are teaching. I think we should be discerning about listening to people who are eager to be teachers.