Roger Reaves on How He Smuggled $1.5B in Cocaine for Pablo Escobar (Full Interview)

Published 2022-09-21
In this full-length interview, Roger Reaves, former drug smuggler for Pablo Escobar's Medellin Cartel, talks about his early life in the states of Florida and Georgia while experiencing poverty and being forced to make moonshine illegally to take care of his family after his father died. From there, he recounts moving to California after getting married and developing his love of flying planes before becoming a fireman and buying his first plane, which ultimately led to him meeting someone who talked him into fly marijuana across the border to Mexico. For his first trip, Roger made $10K which was more than twice as much as he would’ve made as a firefighter. Naturally, he quit his job and began smuggling full-time.

Moving along, Roger speaks about running into problems in Mexico after being confronted by police while he was sweeping out his plane. He revealed that the officers fired a shot next to his head, burning his skin after finding two seeds on the ground, and Roger went on to detail how he was saved from the situation. Roger explained that the officers changed their tune and wanted to work with him. He then revealed how the officers robbed him of the $2,000 he had on him and later fired shots at his plane.

He shares a story about the Mexican Federal Police capturing him and torturing him for months. Roger detailed the various methods of torture that he endured, and he spoke about never giving up any information. Roger then speaks about meeting a fellow drug smuggler named Barry Seal in 1980, who later had a movie called “American Made” starring Tom Cruise about his life. Roger revealed that they met on a plane while he was on a trip to Honduras, and Roger stated that he was surprised that Barry told him that he had just gotten out of prison. Roger then told Barry to come to California for some work, and Roger went on to detail the beginning of their working relationship, including Barry showing Roger his flying skills.

After speaking about their operation, Roger spoke about Barry’s relationship with the then-governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. Roger then spoke about how Barry inferred that he was bribing Clinton with large amounts of money to land the planes in the state. He goes on to talk about when he found out that Barry Seal, who used to work for him in smuggling, was cooperating with the feds. Eventually, Barry testified against him to a grand jury and Congress. After speaking to several lawyers to get advice, who all told him that he had to “snitch” or go to prison for life, Roger explained that he fled to Brazil. Roger told Barry that he had a price on his head, and months later, he was killed by a man that Roger had previously met during a deal. Lastly, he talks about 79 years old, Mexican cartels using tunnels, his crazy run in the drug game, his 30-year bid in prison, spending time with his family, and more.

All Comments (21)
  • @PhillyArab215
    I love how he is honest, don’t act like you are sorry for something you are not sorry for
  • @Alvier1996
    He seems like the good old man. His stories are worthy of a biopic and a documentary👏🏽⭐️
  • I've never heard of Roger Reaves before this interview. I'm glad I watched this. Such a likeable guy.
  • There is no way a feature length film could properly cover all of this man's life. He would need a mini series or more.
  • This guy's a real OG he escaped 5 times did 30 years in 20 some odd countries respect 👍
  • Listen...this was an intriguing story, the part that hit me the hardest was the wife. For a man to come home after running rampant left right and diagonal on dangerous missions, not being there when his kids grew old. Countless birthdays and graduations, wedding anniversaries, missed..and he comes home to a cooked meal, and his clothes still there. not to mention he's the reason why his wife is a felon, and she still stayed.. Listen, You could win the lottery. Get struck by lightning. Book a trip to north Korea and shoot rock paper scissors with Kim jong UN before you EVER...EVER...find a woman this loyal these days. Out of all the fortunes this man has earned throughout his life, she was the true prized possession.
  • This type of man is Cut From a Different Cloth just unbelievable what he's done and been through he's just so cool and calm about it
  • @ron8979
    I love when old timers tell stories from way back. Nice guy and great interview.
  • @giftofgab5370
    Such a grand story the most touching part of all of this 33 years 26; countries and his wife was there through it all
  • @samw7419
    This guy is what true to the game looks like. Although his actions may seem to foolish to some remember there's cigarette and alcohol companies selling poison in our communities everyday and none of those CEO'S are going to prison.
  • @stevebcole
    This interview is pure gold, keep up the good work!
  • @shaun2363
    Roger is a legend Such a nice respectful guy Could sit and listen to him all day Nothing but respect from Glasgow Roger 😎👊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  • This old dude is as cool as the other side of the pillow…..
  • @thektmkid6990
    A story about a baby being eaten in a house by a cocaine queen's mountain lion. Vlad: Okay.
  • At the end of the interview, you can tell...this man wants to go on one more trip. He loves the game, he loves the hustle! It was too fun
  • It's a miracle that this man made it to old age and is able to share these first-hand stories about legendary characters we been hearing about for the last 50 years. Just listening to this man you realize the kind of nerves it would take to live this life is one in a billion. When asked how did your family take being on the run his answer was my wife loved traveling. 😆 now just imagine being on the run from the American government your partner was just assassinated and you and your wife just having the time of your life. Truly mind blowing. His wife was a str8 g just like him.
  • @kcarroll4611
    The amount of details this man can remember at his elderly age is very impressive and such a wonderful story teller, I could sit and listen to him speak all day. He seems like such a lovely individual and kind soul, it's hard to believe the lifestyle he used to live, I guess extraordinary people sometimes live extraordinary life's full of excitement and non-stop amazing and unbelievable events that make up a the most interesting life story's like this. 🌍🌎🌏