Why He No Longer Has Faith After His Near Death Experience (NDE) [FULL INTERVIEW]

Published 2020-03-05
Peter Panagore had multiple new death experiences (NDEs) and no longer fears death. In this video we talk about his NDEs, the after effects, how psychedelics compare to an NDE, if ghosts are real, and if aliens exist.

0:00 - Near Death Experience
23:20 - Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
26:06 - Purpose of Life?
31:00 - People Scared of Hell
34:40 - Afraid of Death?
35:15 - Can a Psychedelic Experience Be Spiritual?
43:16 - Any Super Powers?
49:55 - Thoughts on Reincarnation
54:40 - Thoughts on Synchronicities
58:00 - People Worried About Suicide
1:03:44 - Why Do NDEs Vary So Much?
1:06:00 - Shared Death Experience
1:08:48 - Favorite Story
1:22:14 - What Do You Say to People Scared of Death?
1:25:30 - Can Souls Get Stuck?
1:33:13 - UFO Story
1:43:50 - Evolution and the Soul

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IG: @shamanoaks
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TW: @shamanoaks

Website: shamanoaks.com

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#nde #psychedelics #ufo

All Comments (21)
  • @ShamanOaks
    0:00 - Near Death Experience 23:20 - Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? 26:06 - Purpose of Life? 31:00 - People Scared of Hell 34:40 - Afraid of Death? 35:15 - Can a Psychedelic Experience Be Spiritual? 43:16 - Any Super Powers? 49:55 - Thoughts on Reincarnation 54:40 - Thoughts on Synchronicities 58:00 - People Worried About Suicide 1:03:44 - Why Do NDEs Vary So Much? 1:06:00 - Shared Death Experience 1:08:48 - Favorite Story 1:22:14 - What Do You Say to People Scared of Death? 1:25:30 - Can Souls Get Stuck? 1:33:13 - UFO Story 1:43:50 - Evolution and the Soul
  • I am 82 and know death is just a matter of months. I have been doing exactly what you recommended, watching NDE’s. Forgiving myself for any wrong I have done as well as forgiving those who I feel have wronged me. I am convinced something better awaits.
  • @beerad1228
    I just had the most profound synchronicity of my life. So I’m riding to work in the back of the work truck going down the interstate. I’m listening to this interview on my headphones. At the 1:25:10 mark Peter says “Why not?” As he says this I look up and a minivan is passing us in the left with the license plate YNOTGOD. So much in the universe had to line up, just to give me that little wink. I’ve had goosebumps for about 10 minutes now.
  • @VictorBerumen
    I've been there myself. In fact, I came into this life with a slight memory of my death in a past life. That memory returned in my dreams when I was a crib baby and filled me with a deep feeling of nostalgia and sadness for those who had been left behind, knowing that I would never see them again. In this life at the age of 13 I drowned, I decided not to die with drama, so I tried to slow down my heart rate to retain oxygen in my lungs for longer. When I couldn't take it anymore I started to swallow water and at that moment I felt like a small bubble burst inside my brain. Immediately I began to see my short life go by and then I noticed how a very bright white light began to appear above my head. There was such a feeling of infinite love and silence. I was able to understand everything, without judgment. I thought: - "if this is death, I already want to go" -. But for some reason, I came back. Since then I have not been afraid to cross again when the time comes.
  • @ProfessorTime
    NDE-ers are thousands of strangers who don't know each other but describe remarkably similar experiences during their NDE. How could that possibly be a "coincidence"??? I've never had an NDE myself but I believe the NDE-ers stories. Looking forward to the Afterlife but in no hurry to get there...
  • @singingsam40
    Despite being very spiritual, or perhaps because of, I have been going through a classic 'dark night of the soul', feeling sorry for myself and angry at everything for a while now. I'd stopped looking for answers and just wanted to go home, but this video made me cry, smile, see the incredible being that is the blackbird outside my window and feel connected with what I thought I had lost. I remembered that what you both talk about here is real. My problems haven't gone away, but at least I've reopened myself to a dialogue with the Universe, God, The Divine, where I can begin looking for new ways of being in this plane of existence. Thank you both for this gift of hope. ❤
  • @justjudijjb3455
    We started going to a Christian church during the pandemic because this particular church refused to close. Being with hundreds of people, singing beautiful music & seeing kids play together was literally keeping me sane. Our pastor reads the Bible verse by verse and as much I’m intrigued by it, it just doesn’t fully settle with me. All I f what these NDE’s say has always resonated with me to my core. It’s just like I’ve always known this. I can’t have conversations about these things with my church friends, they just bring up the rapture & talk of false prophets. I think the answer really is just to LOVE, live and let live, accept people for where they are at & try to do no harm. Forgiveness is a two way street & should be consciously strived for. ✨💛
  • @emoke150
    This was so so good. When he spoke about this world being broken and fractured I felt a big relief knowing now I am not crazy seeing the world this way.
  • @Mattiac1980
    It's likely the most eloquent and descriptive recounting of a NDE that I've ever heard! Thank you, "Peter Panagore"!
  • @aprilnovoa3676
    I had my NDE in September and this deeply resonates with what I went through and am going through. Thank you for sharing this!
  • @nomebear
    I'm crazy about this guy, he's one of the more exciting guests anyone has had on their show, and I could relate to this man on so many different levels.
  • This is the good shit. Great job Shaman Oaks, I love interviews like this. Do more please!
  • The two of you together are magic.✨ Peter shows us that he has been touched by the nonjugdgemental, unconditional love light 🕯️!
  • @-guyruss-7328
    "Your life is your life. Know it while you have it. You are marvelous. The gods wait to delight in you." - Charles Bukowski
  • @klavertjeee
    I really discovered this video at the perfect moment.💛 As a child I was so close to God every night I was with him in my dreams. when i was 12 he told me i'll let you go one night but i'll be back. My childhood was bad, but the visits to God really made me forget. It was like it was there and at the same time it wasn't there. Ever since that day he left I felt like I was in hell. My life deteriorated drastically and got worse. My mother is a very religious person and my family to. When they talked about God my heart broke as a child and later when I was older i argued that they had to stop describing him as a terrible terror. The often called me the devil and dared to speak less and less because they knew better. Deep down I knew he is pure love and nothing more. Now after almost 23 years God is back and for a moment I wanted to find him again through faith and when I heard the threatening words again my stomach contracted again. In the past few days I got down on my knees and asked if he would confirm to me whether it is true that I feel that he is not to be found in any form of faith. And now today I finally receive my confirmation. God is pure love and I believe personal that it is much appreciated if you heal yourself of any kind of "unloving behavior" that you do your best to become the best loving human being purely from your heart.❤ God is loving you always! Don't you ever doubt. He loves you, loves you big time. ❤ 🧡🌙
  • Once I had a Wachuma experience where I was conversing with the Sun. And the Sun told me I have never done anything wrong. This unconditional LOVE made me cry for an hour. And after that I was laughing for 3 hours. While laughing I was thinking I am going to have a muscle ache in my abdomen from all the laughing. But I didn't.
  • @WhiteCinnamon44
    I can’t tell you how much this video touched me. Like Peter said, it would just sound weak trying to explain something that was so profound because you can’t feel what I’m feeling. But this video came at the most perfect time in probably 15 different ways for me. I’m so grateful, thank you for all you do. Your videos are my favorite and I can feel how much you put into these. ❤️
  • @Boorne2Kill
    The darkness part that he spoke about reminded me of this verse. ““Then the king told the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22:13‬ ‭MEV‬‬
  • @simgirl118
    56:00 when he's talking about the fiber optic cable and all of these choices and subchoices and how everyone you take is the right one. That really helped answer the indecisiveness I make myself suffer from, put of fear of making the wrong choice. And also being able to have the concept of every single choice i make is recorded. I'm sure it's every single choice i make, AND every single choice I didn't make. But no matter what my choices are recorded. That really helped my brain put a little framework on this idea and soothed a lot of anxiety i had around making choices. Really loving this interview, this is just a small picture on what I'm receiving from it, thank you 💜