The Ultra in Conversation with the Duchess of Narsussex

Published 2024-07-06

All Comments (21)
  • @gingercat2879
    i cannot stand her facade either. She pretends to be sweet and compassionate and yet is one of the meanest coldest people you could ever meet
  • I also despise him more than her, DoN. It was the way he treated the Queen and Prince Philip in their final years on this planet. HIS grandparents.
  • The most ridiculous thing she's ever done? How about the walk in Canada with the doll in the baby carrier
  • Meaghan's fake valley girl persona really annoyed me. Acting like everyone from California had no manners like her. Great collaboration.
  • The moonbumps and obsessive hands holding them in place is up there with the most ridiculous stunts.
  • Harry only pretended to care about charities. He doesn't really care about anyone but themselves. African Parks. The African child he promised to help for life, Harry never provided any help to the child. Just a photo op for Harry to show that he CARES. He didn't. THe cameras went away, and that was the end of Harry's CARING. I know HG tends to be protective of Harry. I don't understand why. Even at school, he was not liked by many. He has been a bully throughout his life. He has been abusive toward animals throughout his life. He was kicking dogs as a child. He was asked not to ride a pregnant mare in a polo match. He refused to take another animal. He rode the mare hard, using his spurs on her brutally. The mare died as did her foal. Big animal lover. He is abusive. In my opinion, he is also a sadistic person. The 'working girls' in Afghanistan were abused by Harry. No charges were filed because he is a Prince. Always cover-ups and getting away with terrible behavior. Harry has done nothing worthy of praise. His big achievement is having been born into the RF. I really wish that HG would see him for the evil nature he has. Anyone is able to appear as caring during a photo op, a brief visit, etc. Once the cameras are gone, you look at Harry's actions and nothing is done to help anyone. A FAKE!
  • @KatChandos
    This is fire! I really do love when YouTubers get along and support each other. It’s a very knowledgeable and respectful community.
  • @jacquiet6040
    She lied that she was in LA during the riots when actually she was in Palm Springs with her dad to get away from the riots.
  • @neilsun2521
    Yep, the NY 'car chase' was the one I immediately thought of as the most stand out ridiculously stupid error she's made. It had the whole world laughing at them; both right and left-wing alike.
  • @user-zj6qn2wq1u
    Another recommendation would be "Sue Me", a highly intelligent YouTuber who talks about H and M on Thursday and Sunday evenings (US time). She calls Harry "The Sock Puppet"! She is legally blind, but independent and highly entertaining. Thanks.
  • @Barbara-pe2jf
    The worst thing she did was at the mental health “seminar” when she wore that beach towel in front of parents who lost their children. She endlessly talked about herself with world salads. Then, she started talking about people who died in cars because they didn’t wear seat belts, when this one was sitting right by her when all he can talk about is the loss of his mother. I gasped. Who does that to their husband?
  • @GregorySamsa930
    The Professor keeps on teaching through interviews, admirable! To the Duchess of Narsussex: Remember Descartes: "When they don't want you to doubt, question and think... It is because somewhere "The Lie" resides!"
  • The Duchess is the one who was famously harassed for stalking Bouzy's family, he claimed on Twitter in real-time that she was sitting in a vehicle outside his apartment. The Duchess joked a bit but insisted it wasn't her, Bouzy called the police, and The Duchess contacted her police department. In the end, the vehicle sitting outside of Bouzy's apartment was a court server waiting to serve him. To top it all off Bouzy used it as a photo op on his Twitter page and in an article shortly afterward his incredibly stupid girlfriend (No, I don't believe he's married) used the incident to claim the family was being stalked. Even his better-half is a lying fool. Sound like a Meghan move to you?
  • OMG HG the car 🚨🚨 Chase was absolutely so fake. They came across as Total Con Artist. It was a sad attempt to get H his IPP status back.
  • @kinvara5621
    The trip to Africa where TOW said 'Why does no one ask ME how i am', Oprah interview, the fake curtsy, the fake car chase, Uvalde, it is an endless display of massive fails and appalling arrogance.
  • "If she's going to have a facade, have a better one". Never was a truer word spoken! 👏
  • What bothers me most about M is that she saunters around as fake as a three dollar bill and has no awareness that we can all see it.
  • @Txgirl7647
    My two favorite youtubers finally getting together! ❤
  • @earth0128
    Really enjoyed this conversation H.G. Ty Tow should never have gotten to the position she has. The façade is sickening.