Perimeter wire is better than GPS RTK. (IndyMower #2)

Published 2024-07-28
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All Comments (21)
  • "When your new project kills the flowers, your mom kills you" Thats gold man
  • @MisterMakerNL
    I can see you are still a beginner engineer your desk is still way to clean.
  • I thought about this a long time. I felt that perimeter wires were great. But to make different mowing patterns would require more wires. And if the mowing area needed to change, the wires would need to be replaced. GPS didn't seem accurate enough (at the time) and could glitch too easily. The biggest drawback is the non-patterned mowing algorithm that wastes time and energy. I settled on the idea of using a scanning head that looks for reflectors placed around the yard for triangulation. This is the method used in many factories for robotic forklifts. But I don't have time to work on such projects because work keeps me busy, and family.
  • @Realmaker001
    Even if it is not for this project: For RTK you could have a look at the Adafruit ZED-F9P and RTK SSR. SSR is using correction data that can be broadcast instead of per device corrections.
  • @SianaGearz
    3:00 When you're trying to sense a signal of particular frequency, you terminate that inductor with a capacitor to create a tuned oscillator. Just use some random internet LC calculator to come up with the values. Safety feature suggestion: continuity detection for the perimeter wire. NRF24L01 is OK but keep in mind possibility of ESPnow, which is a similar thing but it communicates between ESP32/ESP8266 microcontrollers. I don't like shopping for NRF24L01 because there are a lot of fakes and their compatibility to each other including wireless protocol is very hit or miss, and the quality of the modules is as well. I haven't shopped for Nordic microcontrollers in a while but when i last checked they were on the expensive side as well, if you wanted to have radio and microcontroller on the same IC, which i find myself usually wanting that if possible. I wonder if there's some sort of base station triangulation system one can build cheaply. I would like everyone's suggestions, is sure to come in handy someday.
  • @user-xe8oi5oq6c
    Świetny projekt! Zrób wykrywacz metali na twojej wykaszarce. To samo wykryje siatki, słupki i metaliczne śmieci, który potrafią uszkodzić wykaszarkę. Z innej strony z detektorem metali wykaszarka sama potrafi omijać ogrodzenia i zmniejszy prace dla markowania miejsc, zabronionych dla niej. Jeszcze dodaj żyroskop, żeby wykaszrka jezdziła wzdłóż linii równoległych i nie omijała części pola na dużych działkach.
  • @edkeler
    AI image mapping is maybe a better option to allow a rover to move not randomly bouncing from the invisible fence… there’s already a commercially made robot that does… it can follow a learned path.
  • @solveit1304
    Hoho Metabo, powodzi się! 😂 Dobry sprzęt, piękny garaż z OSB, widać że przemyślany. Kibicuje od dawna, i chciałem powiedzieć że bardzo szanuję za mentalność open-source.
  • increase voltage, increase frequency. and use high frequency diode to convert ac to dc as sense and usedc output as sense. it will reduce computation of arduino!
  • @mice3d
    Before getting my luba 5000, was working on the Rep_al mower, defenetly lots of feature creap before I got it working. :) I then decided to go for ardupilot (yuri's homebrew here on you tube has some vids about that) with rtk as wires being cut is horrible to find. the worst was when it doesnt cleanly cut the wire, and it corrodes in the ground. ardusimple is the rtk I got at $600 for a kit. Im still wanting to build one one day but think converting a mower that is exsisting would be a good start :) great project!
  • @nrdesign1991
    The general purpose FFT may be a bit too much. A DFT for only a single frequency bin with precalculated values is super easy to implement. Be sure to sample at at least double the frequency you want to detect (10x is better for differentiation). The alternative is an analog bandpass filter or inverse notch.
  • @tulindo71
    I do agree with the choice of the wire. It works and it's cheaper. Only a question: do you think the wire in order to be detected will have to be placed on the surface or can be put some cm deep? This in order to reduce the risk that animals (cats dogs or even mouses) can cut it.
  • @-lolus-
    skoszenie kwiatów mamy to poważne przestępstwo, racja , lepiej nie ryzykować
  • @hansfugers1519
    Why not use a simple 5kHz generator with an NE555? Way cheaper/simpler? Love the project though..
  • @czubixx4325
    An optical encoder can be used to control the speed, which is inexpensive
  • @AustinCameron
    I've had my neighbors cut my perimeter wire so many times, or the sand pushes the wire up, or the mower itself cuts the wire and commits xuicide every session. It's a massive nightmare. Plus the ping-pong method of attack is super frustrating. Some parts of the yard won't get mowed for months
  • @FixDaily
    Why don't you use overboard motors and map the place with your lidar sensor?