S3E4 Australia's Future with Tony Abbott - Australia Needs More Democracy, Not Less

Published 2024-03-14
Former Prime Minister and Distinguished Fellow of the IPA, Tony Abbott, and the IPA's Deputy Executive Director discuss the future of the AUKUS partnership and the growing challenges on the international front. The surprise results of the Irish referenda are dissected. And Tony shares his perspective on why four year fixed terms are a bad idea.

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All Comments (21)
  • @shiraz1736
    Can’t believe anyone from the last 25 years of politics is in a position to advise us about the future, maybe they could suggest some ways to fix this mess we’re in. Lazy bastards have turned us into a Real Estate and Resources basket case.
  • @rb8814
    Respect Tony Abbott for his volunteer work with the RFS but this guy totally screwed the economy
  • @franktully3065
    We won't get a more democratic country by permanently entrenching a separate ancestry - based class through constitutional recognition. Doing that hands power from a sovereign prople to an unelected High Court. I've yet to hear either Tony Abbott or Peter Dutton show any understanding of this.
  • @louise7347
    Tony and Daniel, you continue to be an essential asset to the analysis and communication of key emerging and current issues. Please continue the hard work - the country needs it, and you have strong support.
  • @Jimii89
    I cant understand why more isn't being done with our defense force. Its straight up negligence.
  • @AussiePom
    The trouble with Australia defence wise is that it's always relied on someone else and that's been either Britain or the US. Australia can't and won't make it's own nuclear submarines. They say we don't have a nuclear industry and that's true and they have no intentions of starting one either but will rely on the US to build and service the nuclear subs. Because we don't have a nuclear industry it's another reason why we don't have nuclear power stations. The moratorium on nuclear power is just an excuse to not have our own nuclear industry for successive governments Abbott's included have all been anti home grown industry. They think it's far better just to import other countries know how rather than develop our own.
  • @Mortimus1000
    Great to hear from Tony Abbott with his acumen and integrity on this important subject.
  • @shaneburns4349
    We do need more people in leadership positions who can hold the line on our culture. We have 000's of people wanting to come to Australia, moving away from theirs, only to try and change our culture to the one from whence they left. Odd. CEO's need to step it up.
  • @anEyePhil
    Tony Abbott lost his seat to a Community Independent, ZalI Steggel. It’s clear that wealthy inner city electorates are rejecting the Murdoch-Rinehart-LNP policies on fossil fuels and mining. His opinion is of no consequence. The IPA is also no longer relevant. Gina should use her money to help those in real need.
  • @ianalexander5149
    Tony is like a breath of fresh air ! Really enjoyed this interview.
  • Get with it Tony, save Australia. Talk the truth and what is going on here.
  • @royevetts4900
    Australia need politicians that are not in bed with corporations or the WEF/UN/NATO/WHO.
  • @shaneburns4349
    It is good to hear from Tony Abbott. Abbott made a couple of minor mistakes, frustratingly. He could have should have been the next Howard.
  • @Tyronepeader
    Tony has had a bellyful of democracy. So much so that he's reduced to unelectable windbag status at the far-Right Institute of Public Affairs. Any more democracy would see him virtually null and void, like the IPA. 😮😊
  • @raymaynard4364
    As kiwi Tony Abbot great politician a man with integrity A man with great insight to the future for Australia He is all about Australia 🇦🇺 and Australians people 🇦🇺 also we need NZ and all the pacific nations to join up with Australia arm forces open up On defence deployment of Australia 🇦🇺 in the region of the Pacific With USA ships. Iam talking about bases Strengthening up our military presence big respect ✊🏿 to Tony Abbot Australia needs him
  • Firstly I am a great fan of your Podcast. I was also a supporter of Tony Abbott when he was Prime Minister. I felt let down however when Tony went back on his word to ammend the " Racial Discrimination Act " . Given your now apparent support of free speach , do you think that you erred by not following through with your election promise ? Also do you have any aspirations to re-enter Politics because I believe Australia needs a strong Leader Right now more than ever before.
  • @wailunkwok5483
    how about the issue of the port own by a chinese firm in Darwin?
  • Whilst I agree with Tony Abbotts strengthening the Australian Defence Force,I would say to him that our strength first as nation with a big stick in defence capability,which would include nuclear weapons is the only way forward. I served 30 plus years in our Army as a frontline solider in many theatres of combat. We have relied on our US counterparts way too much and we need to stand on our own two feet. We as nation can be a very good diplomatic nation ,but having a nuclear arsenal and technological capability to go with our war fighting capability will speak volumes silently to potential enemies. Australia first policy needs to be adopted and implemented before we appease any foreign powers.
  • When a country subdues its sovereighnty to that of o foreighn power, its citizens lose any rights they might have had, and their democracy in whatever form,. And everything then turns into a gigantic and expensive, psychologically and materially, make believe in order to "satisfy" the "needs" of the foreign power. And that is that, and theres no other. Either that, or Vietnam. From then on, life continues, but any good observer, will notice the absence of a real identity, everything turns "turistic" "typical" and "colorfull', but hollow, and devoid of any real meaning. A bit like frozen pizza. pero c'eme l' favo' !!