The Dark Side of the Jehovah’s Witness World - Lacie Documentary

Published 2022-12-11
Taboo Room Interviews Lacie who was born into a Jehovah Witness community, Lacie knew no other life and was content with her ‘normal’ until she started to develop into puberty and that is when the sexual abuse started and the dark side of the Jehovah's Witness world came to light in this documentary styled interview, Lacie explains how up until the age of 22 the abuse continued until she finally spoke up. Lacie speaks of her Witness community and the red flags she knew of, but was too afraid to speak about. After a long traumatic legal fight, her perpetrator was finally convicted. This is Lacie’s story of her upbringing in a modern day cult.

Shot at Cow Studios

All Comments (21)
  • I grew up in this organization and was physically and mentally abused. Thank you for coming forward your strength is amazing.
  • @rhecb
    I left when I was 15. It took me 40 years to finally get over it. Much of the time I was terrified that I might be sucked back into their dark world. Thank you for exposing them, you are very brave
  • @stevetaylor1312
    My daughter joined at 15, I’ve not seen her since then because she thinks, is told, I am evil. So hurtful.
  • I was also raised as a JW. It’s such an emotionally damaging organisation even without the added sexual abuse. I got out in my late teens and even at middle age there are some difficulties due to the past. It’s better times now with more support so please get all you need and I wish you all the success and fun in life you truly deserve ❤
  • @bevbrook5432
    I also was brought up as a JW for 20 years, my mum was converted but my Dad was not but still had my childhood robbed from me. No sexual abuse but emotional abuse and deprived of being normal. Forced to go knocking on doors bothering people, constant bullying at school. No Christmas or Easter,I was 12 years old before I new when my birthday was. My Mum is still a JW but no longer associates with me since I had the courage to disassociate myself as I married a abusive man who called himself a god fearing man. My so called Mother told me she loved god more than she loved me. I am now 50 with a loving husband and 2 grown children but still has a effect on my life. I dream of getting upon the platform at the Kingdom Hall and giving them all a sermon of my own. Hate is a strong word, but I hate the lot of them. I send all my love to you all who have been effected by this so called religion. They are all a bunch of freaks.
  • Toward the end, she says "I couldn't understand how they chose not to help me . . . how they chose to help an abuser . . ." In reality, the elders were trying to help the organization, not the abuser. The organization didn't want to get sued. They loved money more than they loved honor, truth or justice. This almost always happens. Read Donald Jeffries' book "Bullyocracy" about how institutions almost always side with the bully and try to gaslight the victim (in order to evade lawsuits).
  • @bryn6000
    This video should be compulsory viewing at every kingdom hall throughout the world.
  • I was born into Jehovah's Witnesses and was trapped for 30+ years, it completely tore my life apart when I left, it's the last time I ever saw any of my friends or family. I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of people damaged by the Org
  • @sarahcarr2004
    I grew up as a JW in the midlands, I think the effects of my upbringing will always have an effect on me. Your so brave sending hugs xxx
  • Your bravery is so admirable. I'm so sorry Lacie. No child deserves what you have endured. Thank you for our courage to speak up and help others!
  • @mainemade73
    I believe that all us recovering JW should bring a class action lawsuit.
  • Lacie, my heart dropped, hearing you share your story. A virtual hug from a fellow survivor in Australia.
  • @arethah5453
    My mother has been a JW for decades and I wish I could get her out of that mess.
  • My best friend became a JW after that all I heard, no matter what we did together was him telling me I needed to be a JW. Finally one day, we had gone spearfishing together and he dropped me off at my house and he told me that the elders at his Kingdom Hall had told him he had to treat me like a heathen because I wouldn't become a JW. I stood there in total shock as he told me that from that day forward he would not speak to me or even recognize my existence. I told him if for no other reason than that I would NEVER become a JW, he left his wife and kids, he got fired from his jobs, then he put a gun in his mouth, ALL! due to the JW organization, they are evil to no end.
  • The way they protect pedophiles and throw victims of abuse under the bus just makes my blood boil! I’m so sorry you had to endure that, and you’re so brave to talk about it! I hope you get the justice you deserve!
    Thank you for speaking out 🙏 I was 13 when I got baptized. 9:36 Worst decision I’ve made my whole life
  • @ld-zj1bn
    Dear Lacie. I've been in tears several times while listening to you. I was also abused by a family member as a young child. Though probably not physically as bad as you either. But it's the fear and shame that a child must live with day after day, year after year, that creates the deep trauma that never really goes away. Living in the same house as the perpetrator and constantly trying to avoid being alone with them. I finally told my mother when I was in my late 30s. She didn't cry. She didn't hug me. She stayed sitting on the other side of my lounge room while I too cried "the sort of crying that you can't come back from". The religion has a lot to answer for. The damage of their mind control in all areas of my life were profound. Thankfully I'm free of those thoughts now and I did leave home at 17 to escape the control. However, I did suffer for years due to the upbringing. But I also became a very strong woman. You spoke beautifully and I'm so very very glad that you are properly free of that religion while you're still young. AND big shout out to your wonderful sister and brother in-law. What a fantastic support they were. 🤗❤️
  • @DTurk
    More children in any religious sec need to hear these stories and understand that life was NEVER meant to be oppressive. I applaud her for speaking out.
  • Well done for speaking up! Thanks for sharing your story and experience with us.
  • This cult needs to be destroyed. Coming from an ExJehovahs witnesses for 17 years