My Twins Have The Cutest Conversation Ever! 🥹

Published 2024-04-22

All Comments (21)
  • @captmurdock
    Phyllis Diller had the perfect take on this: "Cleaning the house while the kids are still growing, is like shoveling the driveway before it stops snowing!"
  • @anjilbabey
    Colleen!! Feed your crow & she will start bringing you treats as a Thank You - She will also start bringing her friends and family around & they'll all start bringing you treats - its seriously the sweetest thing!!
  • wow. i am blown away with how much of a supportive and caring sister maisey is to Wesley. I know they are twins, but maisey has so much of an “older sister” vibe already!❤
  • @alyssajade310
    Colleen you are not being dramatic about the mess, that is pure ADHD struggles. I struggle with the same thing and so does my best friend and I just want to say that going out to take some deep breaths and then dancing (stimming) to clean was actually an amazing coping strategy and I'm going to have to try it next time i feel overwhelmed. You're amazing ❤️
  • @336Nikol
    Cleaners once a week... the biggest help ever
  • @jaxscales6158
    It’s so crazy seeing the twins talk that well. Their conversation was adorable
  • I don't feel like I'm alone anymore when it comes down to feeling overwhelmed with my house. I'm so glad you told us the truth about how you feel. I was starting to get embarrassed by how my house was starting to look. When I would sit and think about it I would actually start having a panic attack. I would stand up and not know where to start, where to go ,or what to do.I almost felt as if I would get paralyzed when it would be time to clean the house. I would actually sit and cry because I could not get myself to do anything. I'm going to have to talk to my doctor and see if they can put me on a medication or something to help me because I don't know how much more I can handle feeling this way. You are not alone and now I realize I'm not alone. Thanks Colleen
  • @AnnieVlogs00
    This is exactly how i get before a panic attack. I say just let yourself scream and cry and got outside and sleep
  • @thewillow3457
    Cheryl the Crow I feel is amazing millennial humor and I love it. Made me giggle.
  • @rebjack2
    I totally understand about not knowing where to start with the cleaning. I either end up bouncing between tasks without finishing them or just not doing it!
  • @LolaMay30
    ADHD paralysis is a real symptom. Especially with cleaning a home that has become too overwhelming.
  • @Yousayiamyours
    A messy house means happy kids. You’ll have time to clean when they are older.
  • @tabbylouise
    Aww Colleen I completely relate to feeling overwhelmed and wanted to burst into tears when things get too much! I think it’s a adhd thing (for me also autism) and then to try and start cleaning and then you get side tracked onto another task and get distracted and then it’s not done and the mess of life keeps getting bigger. Sometimes I will even start to cry and I have no idea why! Your not alone ❤
  • @settimo123
    The convo between the twins was the cutest thing I've seen in months!!
  • Colleen... try not to shame yourself or "should" yourself. My therapist says, this is how you're feeling, be curious about it instead of telling yourself you shouldn't be feeling it or should be able to get over it. The reality is this IS how you feel... so give yourself grace.
  • That’s when I’d call Rachel in to help !!! She apparently LOVES to clean lol .. nothing wrong with asking for help and it’s time u get to spend with your sister and have some good laughs which makes anyone feel better!!!!
  • I get cleaning paralysis.....I see it all and get overwhelmed and have no idea where to I lay on the couch
  • @nancygross9141
    I like to start with the kitchen when my house is messy . For some reason, if my kitchen is in order it makes the whole house feel more orderly. The conversation between the twins was precious!