So Your Cat Wants A Massage?

Published 2009-08-18

All Comments (21)
  • @ethanwright9523
    As weird as this lady is, I gotta give her props: that cat looks like it's in absolute ecstasy
  • @utarian7
    The divorce hit her pretty hard.
  • @lambda494
    I think this "woman" is actually about 8 cats taped together with a mask.
  • @Auzzie015
    "If you're left handed use your left hand, if you're right handed, use your right hand. Or if you're right handed, try using your left hand and vice versa". What was the fucking point?
  • @RetroCynical
    This is no doubt the greatest video ever produced. It's also incredibly helpful. My cat and I are getting married next week.
  • @victoriah8135
    This seems like something that would be on Adult Swim at like 4am lol.
  • @eviljoel
    Favorite part: "That says a lot about life, and about cat massage."
  • That is amazing that Simon and Garfunkle wrote a song about cat massage.
  • @cheesecake134
    You think it's ridiculous, but that cat looks relaxed as fuck.
  • @dtjackson1647
    This video is full of gold: "Petting is just randomly petting." "Use two hands to double your pleasure and double your fun!" "Relax you have the best teacher available... your cat!" "Caution, if your kitty doesn't like her fur disturbed, she might just tell you to shuffle out the door." "Caution, either they like this or they don't." "A whisker water alert is in effect here. A major whisker watch is in effect here." "Is your cat a talker? Β If so, cat massage will bring out his best 'mega meow' moments. Β We call it... Power Purring!" "The front of your cat is a veritable treasure chest of fun." "You don't need a swimming pool for this breast stroking!" "This is especially good for 'macho cats.'" "This is a really groovy move... Bell-y-rama!" (Singing) "Who's the best cat in the U-nit-ed States? Β It's you, Champer Damper, it's you..." The best part is that she seems to be taking everything she's saying seriously.
  • @Ilovemahmochi
    I relate to this woman so much more strongly than I should. She is me. I am her.
  • "use two hands to double your pleasure and double your fun" .....I thought I was petting a cat
  • @dullroar2673
    Seeing how old this video is, that cat probably passed a while ago. I think it's really sweet she made an inadvertent tribute to her little buddy. Hope you're mega meowing with the best of em, Champer Damper
  • @chaseessary1204
    i feel like i might be the only person that was actually looking up videos on 'how to massage my cat'. Β i'm not crazy, he just gets stressed out sometimes.