Obama, Trump, and Biden Rank Mass Effect 3 Weapons

Published 2023-09-22

All Comments (21)
  • @primeradiancy
    Notes: I did intentionally skip the Collector SMG and Collector Sniper Rifle since they are exclusive to the Multiplayer of ME3, while the Collector Assault Rifle was usable in ME2's campaign. ME3's heavy weapons would've been universally ranked low because you cant (normally) reload them and they serve exactly 1 purpose most of the time. The heavy weapon ammunition for ME2 Heavy Weapons was changed in the save editor for ease of testing and recording. The weapons were not judged as if they had 7000+ ammo capacity.
  • @drontesmakor1983
    I absolutely love how half of these tier lists spawn into existence because Biden can't complete the Grissom Academy mission.
  • The Carnifex is also great because of the imagery behind it. A high power, 6 shot pistol you gain in a lawless land from a man with a dark past trying to redeem himself. It’s the big iron of Mass Effect.
  • @TheRepty818
    Well, someone had to do it: 2:07 Black Widow 3:25 M55 Argus 3:46 M25 Hornet 4:12 M300 Claymore 5:10 M6 Carnifex 5:53 M29 Incisor 6:24 M8 Avenger 7:20 N7 Hurricane 8:06 M7 Crusader 9:04 N7 Eagle 9:30 M90 Indra 9:56 Fayston 10:24 M4 Locust 11:15 Disciple 11:27 M77 Paladin 11:46 Javalin 12:48 Collector Assault Rifle 13:07 M4 Shuriken 13:45 M22 Eviscerator 14:08 M5 Phalanx 14:42 M92 Mantis 15:06 M37 Falcon 15:40 M9 Tempest 16:11 Geth Plasma Shotgun 16:55 M3 Predator 17:13 M13 Raptor 17:38 Geth Pulse Rifle 18:04 Blood Pack Punisher 18:31 Grail Spike Thrower 19:23 Scorpion 19:51 N7 Valiant 20:09 M96 Mattock 20:49 Geth Plasma SMG 21:43 M23 Katana 22:12 M358 Talon 22:35 M97 Viper 22:59 Chakram Launcher 23:30 AT-12 Raider 23:49 ARC Pistol 24:16 M98 Widow 25:00 M76 Revanant 25:27 M27 Scimitar 25:44 M11 Suppressor 26:27 Krysae Sniper Rifle 27:02 M99 Saber 27:30 M11 Wraith 28:08 Acolyte 28:33 Kishock Harpoon Gun 29:06 N7 Valkyrie 29:18 Regar Carbine 29:44 Executioner Pistol 30:13 Vidicator 30:24 N7 Piranah 30:40 Particle Rifle 31:15 Venom Shotgun 31:30 Cerberus Harrier 31:58 AdusAnti-Synthetic Rifle 32:14 M7 Lancer 33:03 Striker Assault Rifle 33:39 N7 Typhoon 34:40 Ml-77 Missile Launcher 35:12 M100 Grenade Lancher 35:40 M451 Firestorm 36:12 M490 Blackstorm 36:50 M622 Avalanche 37:15 M920 Cain 38:15 ARC Projector 38:40 Collector Particle Beam
  • @TheShepardN7
    The only correct answer for S-Tier is the M-96 Mattock. Also the N7 Typhoon for infinite BRRRRR.
  • @maurogalindo9966
    There is nothing better than seeing the presidents in the morning in debates about my favorite saga
  • These never fail to brighten even a good day. It's not simply the voices but what they say. Perfect. Just perfect.
  • @Stunticon
    These videos have done more to make me want to replay the Mass Effect series than any kind of advertising ever could
  • @SignorAde
    In the original ME3 the Executioner was a straight ticket to "Game Over" if you equipped it on Mars since you couldn't shoot 4 bullets in Dr. Eva in time.
  • @morganrose7022
    I love the running gag that Biden can’t clear Grissom Academy 😂
  • @johnnytamale8676
    Idk what I've done to deserve the best written presidents channel to not only be about mass effect, but to also consistently upload. I'm so blessed
  • @profprops6520
    The M-96 Mattock is my all-time favorite ME gun for sure, effective at all ranges it can carry any ME2 playthrough regardless of class and in ME3 you can easily get away with packing this beauty and nothing else, which is again excellent for all classes. (but mainly I just have a thing for semi auto) Great video as always!
  • @BigLulu22
    The Cerberus Harrier needs a tier of it's own. It so far eclipses any other weapon in the trilogy that it's not even fair to compare it with anything else. Yeah it bleeds ammo like a surgery patient, but that's a necessary nerf to avoid harbinger surrendering instantly. Even in Multiplayer where everything does less damage and is generally worse, the Harrier is still godly. Arguably it's even better in MP because it's 1 weakness doesn't matter with ammo available anywhere. It's truly a monster of a weapon and incredibly satisfying to use.
  • @Realgigclin
    Donald always has w takes, the single fact that Joe doesn't like the black widow means I'm voting Trump
  • @Sabindurain
    This is one of the better if not the best weapons list just for the info and demonstrations alone, I even learned a few things watching this.
  • @vasheroo
    The Disciple has an increased stagger capability so while it's not doing obscene damage like some other shotties, its perfect for power builds because that stagger lets you set up combos during cooldowns. It's light enough to also roll with the acolyte to burn shields and barriers.
  • Ranking the venom shotgun as anything less than top is a travesty, especially when used on vanguard. If you get aim or at an enemy and then hit your biotic charge it sets you up for an absolutely devastating combo. The shotgun always staggers enemies so you don’t have to worry about insta kills, anything less than a banshee gets obliterated in one hit and it will take out a harvester in 3 hits if you can hit center mass with the main projectile on insanity difficulty.
  • @majuli8420
    The Venom needs to be higher. It melts through everything with ridiculous ease. I did the Omega mission as early as possible with that thing, and I had to check several times if I was really playing on Insanity.
  • The Cerberus Harrier is God Tier. To me it felt like a straight upgrade over the Mattock, but maybe that's cause I've used the Mattock in almost every playthrough and got a little bored of it lol