The Real Life Public Humiliation of a Fictional Social Media Intern

Published 2024-05-25

All Comments (21)
  • @niksooxyz
    The most intriguing part about all this is how we've been crafting this complex lore behind the intern and how there have been multiple ones in the past that all got fired for different mistakes, including the youtube intern who got fired for posting We're So Back on accident, and are now at the point where they've essentially run out of interns to fire and have replaced them with a soulless husk
  • @smexydeer1820
    This fictional intern has been getting the real life intern experience, where they're just doing their job and what they're told and get so much shit for minor mistakes that are often not their fault that they stop enjoying their job and it shows in their interactions with customers. The splatoon twitter fictional intern dealt with enough karens that they stopped having a personality.
  • @romanaww
    Instead of mocking the social media person on twitter, heal the social media person within 😌
  • @be1tube
    We've moved on from dating. This post is parenting advice.
  • @rdmtc
    i share your sentiments about this whole "intern" thing... i thought it was funny for the first few tweets, but then it started escalating to the point that it's demeaning... do these people not think before they type and hit 'Enter'? it kinda left me with a sour taste in my mouth and just didn't participate with the community for a few days
  • @squiddu
    I've definitely made a lot of "intern shot out back" jokes before, but I sorta share the same thoughts of the people who first noticed the drier tone, yknow, what was wrong with them? Were they doing okay? Cause obviously the errors have been getting more prevalent and frequent ever since Splat 3 started but i doubt whoever runs the account has swapped around much. I didn't notice those people who just kept harassing them about these mistakes, and it does make me a little sad. But.. well, such is Twitter, unfortunately. Respect the intern. Even if they aren't exactly the one-man band we assume, which we'll never know for sure, employees who handle social medias rarely deserve the harrassment.
  • @Angel..L
    I’m glad someone brought this up. No need to echo that they made a mistake for the thousandth time. I felt like people were taking the intern joke way too far. Internet dog piling is very easy to do and it’s something that get’s mentally draining. Yes Splatoon NA is corporate account . But there’s still someone behind the account. I saw someone making a social media account to point out every single mistake the official social media account has made is not helpful .
  • @Kiutogi
    I've always felt that in moments like this, and other moments when a mistake is made on social media. Some folks aren't angry about the mistake, but looking for an excuse to feel justified in their bullying. We might leave the school yard when become adults, but the school yard mindset never truly leaves some people.
  • @Chrissyke
    I even saw DUDE taking it too far. I thought it was out of character for him to dogpile and was a bit disappointed.
  • @-Hamza
    I don't use twitter, I just check the splatoon NA/JP accounts and maybe a few comments, so maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't think ppl were intentionally being mean at the "intern". Most of them, anyway. I just thought especially with things like the "One or more interns have been fired" thing that it was just a joke of "damn its jover for them 💀" and stuff, but it never really occurred to me that it does probably get to whoever is running that account seeing constant "oops another error!!". And I think that fact slipped a lot of other people's minds too.
  • @PerfectDarkly
    I started thinking about this a couple days ago because I noticed that Dude, in particular, started posting patronizing replies under nearly every single weapon kit post this week. At first, it was probably a fair and valid bit when the NA page had fallen days behind with the announcements. But then even after they course-corrected and started crossposting on schedule, he kept making comments giving condescending praise and poking fun at the intern's job security, and it just started to feel mean-spirited really quickly 💀 Like this top-level Splatoon influencer was just farming for laughs from his followers more than anything. Bro is a UK player he's not even supposed to be that invested in a North American social mirror
  • @Psycho0Noob
    7:14 i know right ?? i guess it's that since most of the vocal community is younger people who unlike us adults don't really get the weight of what they say sometimes we all been teenagers that screwed up a lot beforehand so in a way i get it but it's crazy to me to constantly reply under a real person to remind them that they are infact gonna get fired bc they wrote a word wrong in a harmless tweet about the silly squid game :(
  • @Driftwood-ML
    Part of me is worried that someday we'll learn that the localization team is going through massive crunch conditions working on Switch 2 games and that's why all this is going on right now. The fact that the the quality is going way down (as Gem has documented well here) may mean that things are going on at whatever department works on these messages that may not be within their control.
  • @VincentWhite
    Gem gives us not just Splatoon advice, but also Life Advice. Most of the times that people say "woah! Gem gave us great Dating advice!!", are reductive and missing the point. No, Gem didn't give us JUST dating advice- Gem gave us, in general, a good way to treat other people and be kind to ourselves and others. Gem isn't a perfect guy, no- BUT! Gem is a good community leader and an excellent role model. It is unsurprising that he's very good at his job as a Teacher. (unrelated, but I had to pause for a second when you said "If i ever publically shared a students work as an example of 'what not to do' id be reprimanded for inappropriate that is" I had to pause for a second. Genuinely, thank you for making me aware of something I now need to process in therapy, and letting me know little me was not the person in the wrong there.) Thank you Gem, more more excellent advice on how to be Kind and Help Others. A true Squid Priest of the church of Cod, LOL.
  • @madamstasis
    my biggest problem with this whole situation is that it took people this long to show some basic decency
  • @lowpolyzoe
    I feel like The Kids need taught in schools how not to be cyberbullies, bullies will always exist but they seem weirdly prevalent in Splatoon socmed circles to the point I just found the atmosphere not worth sticking around in. Like when people are posting "what is bro yapping about 💀" "you fell off 💀" I think they're... trying to be funny? But it's not, really? Obviously this isn't just a problem with The Kids, adults do that too, it's just Splatoon has a lot of people in the 13-18 demographic
  • @Xian1502
    In relation to this i think about how the stamper noveau was branded as neo stamper by splatdevs themself IN the game despite the noveau sticker clearly being on it. However, not only did ONLY the NA account operated by said intern get flak for it when they posted what they believed was correct (and “proven” to be so with the in game release by its name) , but when it was updated and changed silently in a patch later from neo splatana stamper to splatana stamper noveau, absolutely NO ONE mentioned it or even called that out to any degree. Further proving to me that people do NOT care about correction and simply want to publicly humiliate the social media rep who’s an easy target