Eva Cassidy - Ain't No Sunshine (Walkin' After Midnight)

Published 2024-09-02

All Comments (21)
  • Love Miss Eva Cassidy. Gone way to soon, but left us with this incredible arrangements of cover songs and a Voice from Heaven ❤
  • @fredbear72ify
    No gimmicks, voice overs etc. just a beautiful pure voice. So sad she had to leave us so young. ❤
  • The incomparable Eva Cassidy. Perfectly sublime, gone too soon, and always missed. I loved attending your shows. Peace to you sweet angel. 🙏🏻
  • Another fantastic performance by the late great eva cassidy what amazing singer she was one of my favourite singer 🎤🎸
  • Merci pour ce partage de cette chanson chantée par Eva Cassidy. Je suis un Français qui ai découvert cette chanteuse au style si puissant dans l'émotion et le rythme. Sa guitare si douce et sa voix si profonde de détails. Sa voix est une plaine au grands horizons visibles et des montagnes abruptes. Elle est phénoménale. C'est une véritable découverte pour moi. Je suis heureux de la connaître, connaître son aura. Déçu tant de savoir qu'elle n'était plus. Je ne sais que dire plus. Merci Eva d'avoir été et d'être encore. Ta voix restera à vivre dans nos oreilles, les étoiles et ailleurs. Thank you for sharing this song sung by Eva Cassidy. I am a Frenchman who discovered this singer with a style so powerful in emotion and rhythm. His guitar so soft and his voice so deep in detail. Its voice is a plain with a wide visible horizon and steep mountains. She is phenomenal. It’s a real discovery for me. I am happy to know her, to know her aura. Disappointed so much to know that she was no more. I don't know what more to say. Thank you Eva for having been and still being. Your voice will live on in our ears, the stars and elsewhere
  • @maewest5169
    No one even close to this level of truthiness ..,true artist ,no just entertainer,like 99% of singers
  • What a gift she was in her short time on earth! And she spread her beauty and gifts far and wide. A musical treasure!!
  • @Ben-nh9xw
    Sometimes while listening to her beautiful voice it just hits so hard and the tears start to come down. What a sad and tragic loss
  • @garryw280
    Eva's voice is sublime and she was Angelic whilst here amongst us, sadly taken too soon. You have left one heck of a legacy. Thank you for your voice, your music and for being you.
  • @TinaSantee
    Eva was a beautiful person inside and out. Such a joy to be around ❤.
  • @jasper_north
    Eva Marie Cassidy (February 2, 1963 – November 2, 1996) was an American singer and musician known for her interpretations of jazz, folk, and blues music, sung with a powerful, emotive soprano voice…
  • @indomotor
    I feel your Soul. Thank you for sharing your Gift and Light🙏🏼❤️. Rest In Love ❤️✨🙏🏼!
  • @HMofInfinity
    To my love yes yes yes ! 8 know you’re here! Please keeping singing and uploading your songs no matter how many times you remix it. Love you forever , everyday. Remember?
  • Wspaniała pieśniarka i wspaniała gitarzystka! Głos wybitny, wprost Niebiański! Za szybko odeszła, pozostały wspaniałe wykonania i nasza pamięć!
  • @zibabird
    Absolutely beautiful! Thank you, shared.
  • Such a Lovely Angel Now Singing in Heaven for GoD the Lord Himself Amen 🙏