The problem of evil (Dr. Michael Heiser)

Published 2024-02-22
Dr. Michael Heiser's (was an American Old Testament scholar and Christian author with training in ancient history, Semitic languages, and the Hebrew Bible  from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Wisconsin Madison) response to the problem of evil from a different perspective.

God gave Adam and Eve freewill, as well as the elohim that existed prior to the creation of man.


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All Comments (21)
  • @SempreGumby
    Where is the original video in full please?
  • @AnnoyingMoose
    Why does it sound like someone else is speaking in the background??
  • @user-gr3oo5ux9x
    Conviction here is that there is no personal self with a freewill attachment.that we react only to all situations accordingly.and had no control over what our conditioning is or our genetics from which we resond
  • @LLPOF
    So, I missed the criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research from you. Great video, but fair use? Not trying to be adversarial here, but you could have just posted a link to his video.
  • @user-gr3oo5ux9x
    Isaiah 45:7 God says that he creates good and creates evil.original version only
  • @user-gr3oo5ux9x
    We are unreal dreamers in an unreal dream.all is very convincing yet nothing exist
  • @poleviatia5372
    Did Adam and Eve love God before the fall? Did freewill come from God? If so, then why did God command Adam to eat of every tree of the Garden but not of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Does a command come with an option? Does a subordinate have the right to choose to follow an order (command) or not especially when it is followed by a most devastating and dire warning? Does the Bible point out who it was that turned the command into an option?
  • @Rick..989
    Free will evil used science to kill this Saved Soul. Nonetheless he is safe now and it's all part of GODS PLAN
  • @dagwould
    The point about 'free will' is not a capacity in isolation. It is so that we can freely be in relation with God. It is probably better for one person to know God for eternity, and all the rest not to than for none to. That would make the gift of being able to love God worth it...if you want to take a utilitarian tack. However, that is not the game. The game is relationship with God. Without his new life we live in rejection of that relationship and in a cosmos that reflects that rejection. So we don't even want God, until the dissonance pricks us and we turn to him in repentance -- that is reject the rejection -- and faith (that he can resolve the dissonance). Evil, then is being 'not-God'. It is living in repudiation of God and rejecting him. Evil doesn't exist per se but only as the inverse of love; and being so the creature takes the creation down with him. Our consistent experience of 'not-God' is the great alarm bell to communicate that we are in 'not-God' to tell us that things ain't right. We detect that live is not what it should be. We detect the fault and, one hopes, seek to repent from it. or proudly insist in remaining in it...that'll 'show God'. As a 5 year old thinks by holding her breath in anger.
  • @user-gr3oo5ux9x
    All one with the movie, dream called life.all down the rabbit hole like everything else is where all is fictional and in duality which is all false and within us.not to mention does not exist.
  • @gmac6503
    Free will defense has been refuted. God is perfect is just a claim. Also, God was surprised and shows surprise and shock when his people sin in other books of the bible. God even changed his mind in Genesis.
  • @user-gr3oo5ux9x
    Bibical literalism is down the rabbit hole just like everything else.. the rabbit hole is where all the action is though
  • @msmd3295
    God evidently didn’t know everything. Take for example god’s command to not eat of the tree of knowledge. And yet Eve & Adam were too imperfect to obey… right? Did A & E create themselves? Nope. So who should’ve best known A & E’s imperfect character? God of course. Since they were imperfect from the very moment of creation then even their free will was created imperfect. But again, who’s the cause of that? God !! But who gets all the punishment? Created beings who had no say in their creation.
  • @leefury7
    Why do so many, including Mike, misunderstand what free-will involves theologically? It simply and specifically only relates to the ability of man, after the fall, to "see the kingdom of God." Man is dead. Dead men do not come to faith. Man must be born from above. i.e. regeneration must occur prior to the recognition of sin, confessing it and, by the gift of faith, confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Red herring argument.
  • God can't do evil, so He doesn't have a free will capable of sinning. Our ability to sin makes us unlike God, not like Him, so this ability has nothing to do with us being made in His image.
  • @stegokitty
    It's always very telling when somebody starts bringing up the idea of robots, when nobody believes that God makes robots. Strawman. It's also very telling when people use the term "free will" in a way that the Bible never uses it. No theological position in Christianity says that we have no free well. The words have to be defined. What do you mean by free? And what do you mean by will? The Bible says that all mankind in the fall of our first parents fell with them when they send, and therefore receive the death penalty in our bodies and in our spirits. We are born into this world enemies of God by nature, lovers of sin, haters of good, refusing to come into the light, blinded and ruled by Satan, unable to please God. Does that sound like someone with a free will to you? But we have unthinking Christian teachers, who sell us the idea that we are not born into this world enemies of God, spiritually dead, but rather that we are all born as blank slates, with no inclination towards good or evil, but rather being neutral. This is utterly antithetical to everything written in the Scriptures.
  • I have heard enough of this crap argument that evil is needed for good to exist. You can make choices between two good things.