How To Thrive with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (My Self-Care Story)

Published 2024-04-09
Welcome to this week's Ask Charlie. A dear follower struggling with severe pain due to multiple joint and disc issues reached out in the hope that I might shed light on my similar symptoms due to an Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis. I'm not an expert, and encourage you to do what’s best for your own unique situation, but this week I’m sharing what I've learned managing this condition.

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome affects people differently, but for me, it means hyper-mobile joints and loose connective tissue. This condition has been a lifelong journey, impacting everything from my beloved sports to pregnancy.

Diagnosed in my early twenties, I faced numerous challenges, including broken bones and mismanaged treatments. However, a pivotal moment came when I found the right physiotherapist and exercise regimen with the fabulous Leigh Linton, which absolutely transformed my life.

Consistent strength training, proper technique, and listening to my body is key. I’ve learned to adapt my workouts to protect vulnerable areas, and thrive in the process.

Now, despite the inevitable need for knee replacement surgery in the future, I've regained control of my life. Exercise, balanced nutrition, and staying mindful of my body's needs have been game-changers and I wholeheartedly recommend finding what works for you, with a focus on strength - for both mind and body.

Remember, each journey is unique, but positive changes are always possible! Whether it's managing a health condition or pursuing personal goals, consistency and self-awareness are paramount.

I hope sharing my story encourages you on your own path, and do always feel free to reach out with questions or topics you'd like me to cover.

Love, Charlie x

Leigh Linton -…


All Comments (15)
  • @gingersue8514
    Poignant …motivational…..inspirational……your strength and determination took you from a very dark place ….to one where you can shine the light for others and you truly do an amazing job of that 💜 Through your experience you are helping others to heal ……you have such heart and soul 🙏
  • I was told by my geneticist not to lift weights because we can harm ourselves so easily. I was just diagnosed last month and planning on making a video next week for my channel. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Keep pushing forward! 🦓✨
  • @strll3048
    I must say... this is so inspirational. My body just slaps. me. down. every time I try to do anything physical. It hurts so much for a couple of days, and has further negative results, such as my back sinking down so that I might fall ... backwards. So I have given up and only use what little strength I have for necessary chores. However after you describe, so well, what you had endured and where you are now, I am starting to hope... thank you.
  • @prueconnelly3904
    Wonderful video Charlie and incredibly timely for me. I have been with you since you started and I have taken a lot of your advice along the way as I have had a spinal fusion and discectomy in my neck following a car accident in my mid 30s. I have just turned 40 and now have chronic arthritis in the facet joints throughout my c spine and I am crippled with pain. I feel I spend my life amongst specialists and pain meds. I am in the middle of finding a trainer to help me start strength training and I have overhauled my diet which has in itself already had a positive impact. I refuse to let this define me and stop me being strong for both myself l, my husband and my 2 children. You sharing this video reminded me that I'm not alone as I feel pain and injury at times can be a very lonely road and that the path I am on the right one. Thank you Charlie for building such a gorgeous and supportive community for women like us ❤
  • @lizharvie
    As a fellow EDS sufferer, this is wonderful, Charlie! Some very familiar stories in there. Thank you for talking about your journey and inspiring me to do more to make myself stronger! xx
  • Charlie thank you so much for talking about your incredible story ! It is so so helpful and gives everyone hope! You truly are an inspiration 🥰xx
  • My wife also has EDS. Luckily she not having pain, but does have the excessive joint mobility.
  • Very interesting Charlie. Sorry to hear about all your suffering. Now at 70, I have a prolapse and am awaiting surgery. The list of exercises that I must not do is long, and includes the plank. However walking is highly recommended along with those Kegels of course.