WaffleHouse moments 💛 when you see someone in NEED..🥹🩷Help em 💯☝️

Published 2023-06-13
I remember working this night at waffle house 🧇🧇🧇& he came in staggering, tired, dirty, dingy and smelled of urine strongly . 🥹& it was clear he was mentally unstable & he had been in the hospital. he was walking & he came in with $5. I told him keep that, fixed him toast as he requested & we talked for a little while. I also helped him clean 🫧 up in the bathroom 🫧💕I just wanna show y'all people with 💛 still exist. This was a few years ago but I still had footage luckily that I didn't know I had. so I am sharing this love 💕 ❣️ the most important part about this is I want it to go viral, for the sake of love. you never know what anyone Is facing and you never know when it could be YOU! I don't have much at all myself & I'm on the struggle but when I am fortunate enough to do things for people in NEED I will. ☝️💛💛💕❣️❣️❣️I pray this man found help and that he is ok today. spread this kind of love 💕🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

All Comments (4)
  • @Ben89420
    Damn...whatever was in that Gatorade bottle...I hope he ain't drinking like that regularly. Looks like mud water :(