Aerospace Engineers -- What is it?

Published 2014-03-19
Aerospace Engineering is the field of engineering surrounding the science, design, construction, development and testing of aircraft and space craft. The field of Aerospace Engineering can be divided into two major subfields: aeronautical and aerospace. In other words, Aerospace Engineers can work on projects intended for this atmosphere, or, for deployment in outer space. In addition to designing aircraft, Aerospace Engineers also develop satellites, missile systems, propulsion systems, high-tech Unmanned Air Vehicles, and even software. Learn more about this exciting STEM career by viewing the profile video below.

To learn more about this great project, or, how to order DVD copies of the videos please visit STEM Career Lab:

All Comments (21)
  • @doodelay
    If your someone watching this who's bad at math, just practice. No one knows math straight out of the womb, they have to learn it through practice. People who pretend to know math without practice are lying.
  • this video made me think about going back to college and finish what I started. It's Never Too Late to Earn Your College Degree.
  • @xknotalpha4963
    I really enjoy watching videos like this before my finals. I have my eyes on the prize! SPACE! The final frontier :D Thank you for this video very inspiring.
  • @asmedues4052
    OMG it's my dream i'm gonna struggle for entering that field my application under review now in many universities especially a Spanish university. please guys pray for me
  • I was like I can do this then she said trapezoid and I transformed into a meme
  • @sharonpragnya
    I'm a aerospace engineering student and believe me the subject is super interesting !!!
  • I am graduated in mechanical engineering and I want to be one of them......Ur the motivation for all.. thank you ladies.
  • @SampsonPug
    It's exciting to know that my background in animation and 3D modeling can help me here. I'll look more into it.
  • @neoxrah
    Great explanation, I had to make a poster about this topic.Helped alot thankyou. Ever since I was like 9 I've always been interested in planes and things that fly but as I became older I started playing with all types of R.C and even built my own working rc car. So when im older, this is the job I would like and great video. :)
  • @SilverrWinter
    I really wish they had given some kind of video/event like this in school. They give you no clue on how your studies or anything will fit into a future career. Calculus and AP classes do seem worthless to take apart from passing the standardized test, "challenging yourself" or looking good on some mysterious resume. Scope is entirely lost, as are so many job options. I know they can't cover everything. But seeing people from the field talk about this stuff - what they do, what skills they use, education - really makes a difference.
  • @chancerNW
    I think 2 areas that shoud not be underestimated, are Production Engineering and Metrology. After the aircraft or other system has been designed, production engineering is about developing and implementing the processess to build it. While Metrology (the science of measurement) is great as you can get chance to poke your nose into pretty much every area of a manufacturing environment supporting both production and development and playing with some fascinating equipment. It also opens the door to numerous areas of science and even civil engineering.
  • @charshii3745
    Yo did anyone else think the girl in the green shirt look like Tracer from Overwatch
  • @flotrenzy
    I have always really enjoyed physics at school and love technical projects etc... Maths used to be a little more challenging for me but I still really enjoy it! I'm taking both for my A-levels so hopefully I get good enough grades to study Aeronautical/ Aerospace engineering at uni. I don't plan on making a career out of it; as of now I have only ever wanted to be a pilot. I would just love to advance my knowledge in the field and hopefully it will make me a more competitive applicant!
  • I'm taking up Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering here in the Philippines for four years then I will be enrolling at a graduate school in Italy for Aeronautical Engineering.