Vicious Sociopath Creates A House With Human Bodies

Published 2021-11-12

All Comments (21)
  • @justinduck2953
    What is very interesting is that since jack is the one who tells what happened you don't know whats real. Like the lady in the car at the start might have told him nothing at all and he just imagined being called a serial killer because, well he is
  • @shivampunia
    The women weren't all dumb. This is Jack's perspective and its just that he portrays it as if the women he murdered, were asking for it.
  • @myk_3D
    Jack was so bad the devil himself had to come collect him personally lol
  • @Aw-ev1mv
    "The woman exclaims that jack can't be a serial killer, because he's-" A. A decent person B. A wise fellow C. A good samaritan D. A wimp Choose wisely before you call a stranger something. It could save your life.
  • @dogsandyoga1743
    07:45 At first, I thought "no cop would be this careless/dense" Then I remembered the cops that took a 14 year old boy back to Jeffery Dahmers apartment 🤦
  • @Sunny_psyche
    It's important to realize that Jack isn't a reliable narrator, and how the women acted were purely from Jack's perspective. We never see an outside character's perspective.
  • @T1MukGi
    Woman: He is a serial killer Cop: no he is not Killer: I AM A 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 Cop: no you are not.
  • @Jaap
    “Verge” is a reference to Virgil, the ancient Roman poet who wrote the Aenied. Virgil is also the character that escorts Dante through parts of hell in Dante’s Divine Comedy and represents human reason. I assume that “Verge” and the whole plot is the main character’s psycho “artist” brain and rational brain having a conversation as he’s about to finally be caught and realizing he’s going to hell.
  • The picnic scene was the most psychologically disturbing. Lars Von Trier (The director) is out of his mind.
  • not enough people discuss the irony in how jack was caught. despite how reckless he got towards the end of his “career”, he was only caught because they suspected him of a completely unrelated crime someone committed, and he panicked.
  • This seems like such a realistic depiction of a serial killer. Just a nonstop un remorseful avalanche of murder. Like wtf
  • @makeupmommy7868
    The fact that he killed all of those people, and then still FEELS ENTITLED TO A SEAT IN HEAVEN 🙄🙄😩😩
  • It's one of the most fucked up movies ever, and the thing is that it doesn't seem as forcefully edgy as A Serbian Film or something similar, Jack really feels like a realistic psychopathic serial killer (with a dose of dark humor added). It's like the director is a genuine psycho himself. But as weird and disturbing as it is, I found it very interesting, imo it had the right combination of substance and Von Trier's "artsy" style.
  • @claireglory
    as a casual hunter myself, one thing you failed to realize is that, an animal predator only hunts other species for food. the only reason they attack their own specie is for territory, self-defense and mate. its funny to think that he considers himself a hunter.
  • @seadoggo2272
    As evil as Jack was he wasn’t even meant to end up in the lowest pits of hell, he was a few levels up. Makes you wonder what kind of a monster is meant to end up in the lowest pits of hell!
  • @checkm8852
    How did this movie not get an x rating. This is my first time seeing children murdered on such an uncut level.
  • For the price of lumber these days Jack may have found the most cost efficient way to build a house.
  • @SilkyCrow
    Im kinda just stuck on the fact someone named their kid Grumpy
  • @ExMachina70
    Personally, I thought it was a lovely house. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into making it.