Rapid Personality Change and the Psychological Rebirth

Published 2019-07-09
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In this video we explore the process of rapid personality transformation.

All Comments (21)
  • @YozoOba
    “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”
  • @reck0n3r
    "There is no coming to consciousness without pain." - Carl Jung
  • @TheKuldi
    "A snake who cannot shed its skin perishes." Wow, this really resonated with me!
  • @shatteredsquare
  • @markcaseon7136
    Fear can be pleasurable if you reframe it as excitement. The only difference between fear and excitement is attitude.
  • @MrCTruck
    This channel is the epitome of "disturbing the comfortable and comforting the disturbed" many topics either affirm the feelings of those who may be uncertain of their journey whilst also pushing the stagnant into a transformation. Helpful af
  • @jennyrain304
    "When the pain is great enough, we Will seek change."
  • @anonimus9921
    Im literally doing this now. Waking up at 4, meditation/affirmations, gym, clean food, work until 7, meditation/affirmations, sleep by 9. Sunday is for relaxing and socializing. Reverse engineering my long term goals and taking control of my reward systems. Starving my mind of distractions and improving my ability to focus on what moves the needle. Anything short of this and I tend to slip into apathetic complacency and chronic underlying anger.
  • @AnnaLVajda
    "Those who have been through hell are never the same and they rarely talk about it" Charles Bukowski
  • @edemont333
    I have a feeling, my Maladaptive Daydreaming will have to be my sacrifice. It has gotten out of control. I have to come to terms with where I'm at and how I look. I also have to forgive myself for old mistakes I made. I ruminate on the past way too much. Self acceptance isn't as easy as it sounds, people. I need your prayers.
  • To put this into a simple paragraph according to my understanding: 1. Rapid transformations are possible; however, it is much riskier than gradual changes because the volatility may be too big to bear without losing one's sanity. 2. Side idea: It happens most to those who are not content with their lives than the content ones. 3. This rapid transformation's first stage is a stage of chaos. You are deliberately destroying your old and stable way of doing things with an intent to replace with a better one but doing so would hurt your feeling of order and causes you enter into a chaotic dimension. 4. Some deeply sunk into this chaos and make their matters worse by not being able to come out of the hole they dug, the hole is too dark to make sense and see and the longer they spent that time in that darkness, the more they become one with the darkness and the task of positive transformation becomes impossible to them. Some manage to find the diamond and get out of the hole by keeping their sanity in check and allowing themselves to be calm and think through many ways of getting out of that dark hole. Some exercises that help one's sanity in check are meditations and exercising. 5. Last point is that some choose to go through this process despite the risk and some don't due to fear, laziness...or various other reasons. But even if you decide not to go thru these changes, the fact that you are not voluntarily going thru these changes diminishes your freedom and in turn puts you in that dark hole forcefully. So, the video suggests that you wishing not to take action or not doesn't really matter cuz you will be involved in this process anyway so why not take the challenge and overcome it voluntarily instead of doing nothing and regretting later.
  • @secretsaltshake
    Loved this video. Just want to share my own story: Recently divorced someone who blamed me for everything — I fell down a rabbit hole of intense self loathing and failure only to come out the other side several weeks later with a new vision and outlook on life. Im moving out of my apartment, quitting my dead-end job and buying a work van to live in on the road and start my own business that I’ve been planning for the past 7 years. I also learned that it’s not OK to put up with someone else’s red flags because you think you’ll be able to look past them in the future. That day will never come. Your partner needs to respect you as a person and be mature enough to take responsibility for their own actions. Most importantly, you need to respect yourself and when the day comes where you must rise from the ashes, you will know. There is no mistaking it.
  • @DoctorzWhiskey
    This Channel is extremely underrated. Each video is crafted with care and wisdom. Thank you!
  • This video describes my life recently. The most difficult thing is dealing with people who think you've lost your mind because they expect you to live in the past because they can't control you anymore.
  • I took a voluntary plunge into darkness, and I’m still climbing my way back out, I took a plunge and got lost at the bottom, became a satanist, lost all my friends, and hated myself and the world, I’ve gained better friends and came back twice as strong as I was and I’m no longer a satanist
  • @misarabage1359
    I have been suffering for many years from chronic insomnia, anxiety disorders and depression. I had developed bad psychosomatic habits and behaviors like eating disorder that even worsened my situation. I had no job, no friends, nothing. And I had problems with my parents and family. It's has been over 3 years when I reached the bottom of my depression and I could not take it anymore. I wanted to commit suicide. I live in a country where the medicine and drugs are not easily accessible, and too expensive, if it wasnt I would end up a drug addict or dead. Because I was too scared of pain to cut myself or jump under train or smth, but I thought of dying almost every day. I prayed for it. In the end something clicked in me. It was like I lost so much of me, that there were nothing left and at that point I started feeling life. I started feeling life because there was no Me. I started my journey of change and I work on building my habits every day. Every day I think of what a gift the life is and I try to learn something new and do a good thing and reconsider my bad actions even the small ones, like judging others. I forgot the past, I improved my relationship with parents I lost 15 kg and etc I want to practice meditations, and many more spiritual practices Even tho I still feel scared of what I have gone through but I am so grateful for it I don't know if it was a psychological rebirth but it was a rebirth for me and I am now convinced that It might repeat again But the next time I will embrace it
  • @jontyder4065
    Perfect timing, as I decided to quit doing drugs recently and stop wasting my time and money from getting high. I used to train MMA, my passion, and left it cuz I fell back into addiction. Ty for the motivation!
  • @FlutterSwag
    The sacrifice i need to make is to move out of my parents home
  • 'View ourselves as explorers of the chaos.' I feel like I needed to hear that.