This feels pretty dumb

Published 2024-05-09
We'll talk Tales of the Empire on today's Star Wars Lore video

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All Comments (21)
  • I interpreted it as less of she literally sat down and designed it, rather she came up with the idea of an advanced, shielded and more effective Tie variant that she then had her people design and she merely presented and took credit for it. Kinda ties into the themes of her taking advantage of the people that got her where she is.
  • @joewell6435
    What I thought was really dumb about the new republic envoy is how at the end of the episode Morgan destroyed the transmitter and said "no one is coming" as if the new republic wouldn't investigate the distress singal coming from a planet where they just sent an embassodor, especially when said ambassdor doesn't return.
  • I get the feeling she’s the one person in the group project that didn’t do a whole lot but is the best at presenting
  • @jeremyortiz2927
    As a recently retired Airman assigned to several test and evaluation squadrons, I've worked with several defence contractors. To me, she seems more of a program director than the designer of the TIE Defender. Designers of military equipment are rarely seen by outside agencies unless a VIP is taking a tour of the manufacturing facility.
  • @kevineisele2809
    They never said that she personally designed the Tie Defender. She was only a representative for the defense contractors that was hoping to secure an imperial contract to manufacture them. Her job was simply to convince the empire to buy their product.
  • @bilgerat225
    I can’t stand how dumb the new republic is in canon. They only send four guns with the ambassador to force Morgan out of her own compound with no back up or follow up? They are cartoonishly dumb in every appearance they have had under Disney
  • @PetersaberHD
    The more I think about Tales of the Empire, the more I believe it was a mess. It was an eyecandy of incredible graphics and cameos, but the story was full of holes, safe play and inconsistencies.
  • I’m shocked you weren’t more excited to see non-Nightsister Witches of Dathomir. I know they’ve already been reintroduced in canon but I think we can all agree that showing up in an animated series is a much more serious and substantive reintroduction that harbors more to come for them.
  • Tales of the Empire: retcons Thrawn being the designer of the TIE Defender to Morgan Elsbeth EchkhartsLadder: "That is dumb."
  • Now that you point it out, Eli Vanto in screen woulda been absolutely amazing
  • My main take on the Morgan eps is they were nice looking but shallow, like a well presented meal that’s unsatisfying. We already knew her backstory, seeing it was unnecessary, I don’t care about the exact event transpiring that led her to be an industrialist, we saw her people purged, we can infer.
  • @DaringDan
    They're making the connection with Morgan to that shady dude in Ahsoka on Corellia at the shipyards for the TIEs.
  • @TheAquarius87
    This reminds me when, Ahsoka invented the Marg Sabl tactic...
  • @GunsAndAmmo3
    I feel pretty dumb sometimes. I am not a smart man
  • @bluemoondm8629
    Eck, I don't think people are upset with the Pellaeon change because it's too similar to Legends or something, it's because Disney/Filoni keep breaking their OWN canon. I want consistency, and outside of major errors that needs fixing, if they tell us a thing is the way it is, I don't want them changing it just for the lulz. Canon works because it's a shared foundation for fans to work with. If you keep changing the foundation, anything else built on it will be undermined.
  • @Ptaaruonn
    Yes, thank you, the episodes felt like extended trailers.
  • @Torente32
    The problem I think people are having is that Throwns motivations have changed from EU to Disney lore. I felt the real Thrawn did what he did in the EU made more sense and calculated because the Vong are coming. The only thing Thrawn would be preparing is for the return of Palpatine with Project Necromancer. They are trying to attach to the shitty movies when the original motivations were far more affective, clear and believable.
  • @d.cirovic1695
    Filoni doing what he does best. Retconning and stealing from legends.
  • @Warad
    If you really, really wanted to show Morgan as having dabbled in Starfighter design to get herself noticed, why not the Tie Phantom as a fun little nod? The look and the cloaking abilities of the Phantom coming from a Nightsister is a cool twist to the design and kinda fits in an unexpected way, at least compared to the straight-forward design philosophy of the Defender, and whether or not the Empire actually built them (or Disney put them into something) the originality and ambition of the project would get Thrawn's attention regardless without stepping on the established canon or fans' sentiments.
  • @vonneely1977
    Disney: Let's just retcon Admiral Zaarin and the entire TIE Fighter game out of existence because we can't bothered to spend fifteen seconds on Wookiepedia looking something up.