David Swenson on the Yale Endowment & "Unconventional Success" (2009)

Published 2021-05-13
Part 1 of 2
During the financial crisis of 2007-2009 Yale’s Financial Wizard, David Swensen, the renowned Chief Investment Officer of Yale’s $20 billion dollar endowment discusses the strategy behind the fund’s extraordinary long-term track record, recent criticisms of the “Yale model” and his investment recommendations for individual investors.

WEALTHTRACK #0447 originally recorded on May 15, 2009

All Comments (12)
  • Wow!!! Thank you for performing this interview. I just read about him and am glad I came across him.
  • @ednan9
    Great interview! Inflation didn’t come for another 11 years but no one has a crystal ball. RIP
  • @George_Beth
    His last name is spelled SwensEn, not SwensOn.
  • @korgond
    What's the key approach of Mr.Swensen to the portfolio management?? What's his trick to high returns?? Please someone tell me in a few sentences.
  • @community1854
    Munger and Buffet made more a year withb100% on stock!
  • @jackburton806
    Odd, I have never heard anyone born and raised in the US pronounce "advertisement" in the British way. My wife and I do the "Advertis ment" as a joke when we are speaking in our posh accents.
  • @eliasjanetis
    Why would you post such a thing without at least an opening mentioning his passing?  Seems like you're trading off his death vs. doing a remembrance post.