Show and Tell: DOWNPOUR (heaviest rain I've ever seen) | English Live Blog

Published 2020-12-10
Hi, guys! This is the ep. 7 of my "Show & Tell" video series. In this video I'll show you a really heavy rain in the North-West of Russia. Actually, it was the heaviest rainfall I've seen FOR YEARS! Real downpour, huge deluge, cloudburst!!! I hope you'll have some fun watching this. If you like quick videos like this, please let me know in the comments.

I'm Dennis, and I've been learning English for two and a half years by this moment, so I've decided to start making videos like this just for some practice. I speak really funny and slowly and I keep making stupid mistakes in basic grammar all over the place, but I'm sure that the real fluency only might be achieved when we are not afraid to look ridiculous and foolish. I believe that we should start write and speak our target language even though we don't have enough skills and self-confidence. I'll be so happy if my videos inspire some of you guys to speak English or any other target language without irrelevant struggling and hesitancy.
I really enjoyed making this videos. Hopefully, you'll enjoy watching it as well. Don't mind to make fun of me, I know I'm not perfect :)))

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