How solid are Russia's economic ties with China? | DW News

As Vladimir Putin visits China for the second time in just over six months, he has one clear goal: to make sure President Xi Jinping continues to support the Russian war economy.

In other words, that China keeps buying Russian oil and in turn exports goods that keep both the Russian population and its military going.

DW Business speaks with Fraser Howie, co-author of three books on China and a close watcher of the country's economy.


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コメント (21)
  • @kwoklung
    This 'expert' has never been to China in his life
  • @fpking7531
    I feel sorry for those who bought this guys' books.
  • China and Russia do need each other the same way 7.8 billion people in the Global South need both of them together.
  • The two are welded together by Western pressure. The more pressure the West exerts, the tighter the two become closer.
  • "most of russia is empty and China is full of people and would want to move into Siberia". Well, most of the Chinese 1.4b population lives on the east while the western part is mostly empty. Do your research western China-Russia expert.
  • Си Цзиньпин лично приветствовал Владимира Путина в Пекине вместе со всем кабинетом министров Китая. Посмотрите на фотографии и видео: Владимир Путин прибыл в Пекин, и его приветствует не только глава китайского государства Си, но и весь правительственный кабинет страны, включая всех министров. А теперь вспомните визит Шольца в Китай несколько недель назад. Шольца принимал заместитель мэра города Чунцин, куда он прилетел. Это был даже не министр иностранных дел страны, а чиновник третьего или даже четвертого ранга. Разница в обращении очевидна!
  • East Asians have population decline. It's not just China, but also Korea and Japan. China's population shrinks by 10s of thousands per year. I don't see the professor has a valid point worrying Chinese flooding Siberia.
  • Every 5 minutes DW: Russia this, China that 😂😂😂 When are you guys going to get tired talking about those who don’t even know you exist? 😂😂😂
  • Why does the dude sound like an angry robot? China trading with Russia is just an opportunistic. The West are raising sanction, complaining about overcapacity, derisk/decouple.... so what do you do with your goods? You sell to the country that doesnt complain. Plus buying anything on a discount is just a great move. Give me a coupon for the next gas station and I make sure I bring extra containers for the fill up. lol. The more the West target China and Russia, the more they are going to be closer together. It is not that hard to understand.
  • @Jay-pt9yg
    It is of strategic importance for China and Russia to deepen military ties. Especially since the West is actively looking to destroy them both.
  • The Western main stream media is flatly obsessed with China and Russia 😂😂😂
  • Unlike the western leaders Xi and Putin meet to discuss ways to cooperate and make their countries better for their citizens through friendship and fair trading that benefits both. That's why their effort to create a multipolar world is thriving and bringing other reasonable countries with them. That's what Great Leaders do and they will never give this up.
  • In 2023, the trade volume between China and ASEAN reached USD 911.7 billion, making China and ASEAN each other's largest trading partners for four consecutive years.. China-Russia trade reached more than $250 billion, overshooting a goal of $200 billion set by the neighbors in bilateral meetings in 2022. Chin'a and Russia's future markets and partners are Asia, Africa and central and south America with the total population of almost 8 billion.
  • @lazynow1
    Jesus, did a blind person dress this man....???????
  • Putin used to think that Russia was a European country until he realized that the Europeans would never accept Russia and the Russians, and that's why he got closer to China, China too, a large number of people in China complaining Russia taking away China's territories in history, so it's not that there is any friendship between China and Russia or anything like that, It's just that geopolitics and Western repression of these two countries force them to stick together.
  • Canadian and American and European are moving to Russia and China