The truth behind fair oks Farm [outdated]

This video is outdated

コメント (6)
  • This is so sad :( I hope those animals get a better life is they survive 😭
  • Too many sociopaths and psychopaths in this world - and we all know how serial killers get there start. Thanks for putting this video out there. Glad to be vegan.
  • this is about Germany winning bruv and now we completely changed topics about it- Turkey still lost world war 1 and they won the Turkish war of independence, the Germans held a vast supply of resources but they couldn’t make it in time, we also told you about the British and French having manpower but you just ignored us and kept saying that the Germans won a massive victory on the eastern front even though it was hard to defend and it was vast, the German Spring offensive was their last chance but it failed due to the manpower, but you kept saying that they would reach paris anyways without any struggles, and the only battles that the ottomans won in ww1 were the Siege of Baghdad, Siege Of Kut, Gallipoli Campaign, and some others. The Germans almost won the war by 1917 but the British naval blockade and america joining the war was the main reason why Germany lost, the dwindling food supplies and grave shortages led to strikes and social unrest and yet you still say the Germans could achieve easy victory. Massive strikes broke out by 1918, epic history tv said that himself and yet you still say that the Germans could’ve won easily. The Schlieffen Plan was the first German advance but they met Belgian resistance which led to the British and all his colonies declaring war on Germany, The front became a stalemate after the Race to the Sea, the Ottomans joined the war after bombarding Russian ports near Sevastopol. The Germans made advancements into Russia but by Early 1915 the advancements were becoming more slow, the Christmas truce increased morale for both sides while the Russian winter stopped and halted the Germans from advancing, the Allied troops then launched an offensive towards Gallipoli but failed due to good generals. The Russians make a offensive in the Carpathians while the Austrians are bad at the war so they retreat, now they threaten the entire eastern front, so the Germans launch a surprise winter offensive. The British soon make the battle of Dogger Bank a very successful naval offensive against the Germans, the British morale increases while the German raid which also help their industry, the United States starts selling resources to the Allies which helps them a lot, by May 1915 Italy joined the war and made small but sure advancements into Austria. The Germans also sunk the RMS Lusitania which had 150 Americans on board The Russian Offensive Into the outman empire also crippled the Ottomans. The British and French make advancements by late 1915 but most of the offensives fail, Bulgaria joins the war on October 14, 1915 and makes successful advancements into Serbia while Belgrade falls. By late 1915 the German chances of winning the war were deteriorating slowly. A British advance on Baghdad is blocked at the Battle of Ctesiphon, now the British are being sieged at Kut. By January 1, 1916 the was was turning on the favor of the Allies cause the U.S was sending more and more resources and the Montenegrins had even managed to hold of Austria Hungary In the Battle of Mojkovac which proved that Austria was bad at war. Italy continued making advancements while more and more allied nations joined.