How to come out of depression as a Highly Sensitive Person

Published 2021-10-23
There is a statistic that says half of Highly Sensitive People (now known as High Sensory Intelligence) are in depression in the West. It does need NOT to be this way and there is actually quite a positive reason that is causing this. Many of us didn't get the training we needed to recognise the tremendous advantages and intended purpose of this trait. In this video, I discuss how we can shift the sense of invalidation and self-rejection many of us struggle with. The truth is that many of us had to learn to hide our High Sensory abilities in order to feel accepted as children. This means we lost conscious awareness and access to them. However we know they are there and deep within we know intuitively we have an important role to play. No matter how distant that feels for you right now, it is this knowing that will guide you back to personal alignment and fulfilment. Depression in our case is often feedback that we are trying to be someone that it is not in alignment with who we really are. It is the sense we have that there is actually nothing wrong with us, it is just the fact we can't seem to engage our truth and find our place. There is a way through, I have done it and I have facilitated many others through it too... Let me share with you how I made my own journey from self-rejection back to self-acknowledgement and onto personal fulfilment and meaning. Please let me know if this resonates for you...

- Are you Highly Sensitive and struggling with self doubt? Learn how to embrace your authentic self and break free from limitations with the Identity Journey for HSPs. Click the link to find out more:

- Join our free community to get tools and facilitation for Highly Sensitive People looking to find their purpose and bring their gifts into the world:

- Interested in becoming a coach? Highly Sensitive People, are naturally skilled at coaching and facilitating others. Find out how to become a High Sensory Coach with our free masterclass:

- Find out if you are a Highly Sensitive Person with our free quiz here:…

-------------About Willow-------------

Willow is the creator of the High Sensory Method™️. He specialises in facilitating people with the trait of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (aka the Highly Sensitive Person) to recognise their ability as High Sensory Intelligence®. To activate them into service in alignment with their gifts and purpose. To support them to recognise their natural ability to become specialist coaches, facilitators, consultants and healers in their own field. To take their own businesses to the next level towards automation and leadership. Unique circumstances during Willow's childhood lead to the burying of his authentic self and complete misalignment to the work he was destined for. He began to carve his own path into understanding how empathic entrepreneurs with sensory processing sensitivity can learn to use their genetic traits to their advantage. As an adult this lead to a lifelong enquiry and practise into learning powerful energetic alignment techniques to re-engage with the authentic self. Having successfully facilitated the development of seven figure businesses his practise has taken him all over the world. Speaking internationally, training in a broad range of fields and facilitating others for more than twenty years. He specialises in process design, business automation, leadership training and transition facilitation. Especially associated with the identity shift from High Sensitivity into High Sensory Intelligence concerning personal alignment and ownership.

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All Comments (21)
  • @belleh7158
    As an empath and HSP who has dealt with depression and anxiety on and off for years, im so glad I’ve found your wonderful channel. Thank you so much ✨✨✨✨
  • @stevec404
    "Come back to a place of self love and acceptance" Tears. Have I been depressed lately? Only for decades. Keep showing the way. Your purpose is fulfilled through the lives you mine. Thank you.
  • @mikaela353
    Depresion is gone when you spend time by the sea alone (my case). It gives me motivation and wanting to do things I love. Cycling and travelling makes me happy, this raises my mood and makes me feel like a child. So the answer for me as a highly sensitive person is sea and forest.
  • @clare5571
    Just found your channel this morning. I’ve had a sense of deep thinking and being aware of how everyone feels since I was about 4. This trait has helped my nursing career for sure and has positives, my children comment that I’m always there for them, but my goodness I’ve suffered because of it too! 43 now and learning how to not let fear control me and still finding out who I am. Anyway, little share there. Thank you for your work
  • @clairebear2975
    Thank you for posting this. I will look at more of your content to see if it helps. At the moment I am so exhausted from it, and am tired of being so sensitive.
  • Thank you so much Willow! Keep doing this work please. I am learning so much about myself and feel so seen. I feel like there is finally hope to come out of my lifelong depression!!!
  • Yes to all of this. I so deeply relate to the experience of knowing that I am here to do something important and not being able to figure out what that is. Working with you really put me squarely on the path to finding my purpose as a High Sensory Person. Now I am almost fully equipped with the training to fulfill my soul's purpose!
  • You explained something Really important in this video, which Ive been thinking about my whole life and i couldnt explain it even for myself. Thank you for this!
  • Thank you so much for this video. You articulated so well what I have experienced in 6+ decades, trying to find a way of operating in this world whilst still remaining authentic to who I am. All the best with your work, Josh.
  • Hello kind man! I just found this video. I am feeling relieved to listen from you about… me. We share the same « language » of communication. The same quality. I don’t know your personal journey. But you seem happy, balanced and aligned and that means a LOT for me in this moment. 🙏
  • Thank you so much, great explanation, thorough and enlightening.
  • @saritakhan2394
    Willow you just explained my whole life to me just now.
  • 😺💯 to be a healer after you have done the deep work to heal yourself - what a gift. Thanks for you honesty and dedication and leadership. I know us sensitive souls can come out of our cocoons and fly.
  • @bornfree6067
    Awesome video and great content! You expressed sentiments that were deeply sleeping inside me. Thank you
  • @CiaranEire
    Wow. This is profound. I am delighted that I stumbled upon your channel. You are now a virtual mentor to me. Thank you for this video.
  • @astroterra5021
    Just love this! As an HSP I can really relate to this, I am a professional astrologer and there are astrological reasons for a very sensitive nervous system in a person's chart🙏💜
  • @AKMcCoyInc
    OMG EVERY WORD YOU SAID IS TRUE. OMG!!! I just found out about HSP while watching the Sensitive Movie. You explain everything so perfectly.!
  • @user-uh5tb9er4o
    wow, victory... you just shifted my perception of my suffering (aka untrained sensitivity trait) into excitement that there are applications for these tendencies and they will shift from the obstacles that inhibit my productivity to the drivers of my productivity and connectivity okay, sign me up what's next? thank you!
  • @mickrozycki451
    I inherited the treat from my mothers side. Her brother was this way. Unfortunatly, he was also an alcoholic.