NEW VIDEO: UAPs swarm U.S. military base; How will Congress respond? | Reality Check

Published 2024-04-17
As exclusive new video shows UAPs swarming Langley Air Force Base in December, should Americans be concerned about unknown aircraft violating military airspace and what is Congress doing about it?

Ross Coulthart speaks with Jonathan Butner, the man who filmed several of these so-called “drones” flying over Langley, as well as Ryan Graves, who as founder of Americans for Safe Aerospace is working to make it easier for military and commercial pilots to report UAP sightings.

Ross also speaks with Wisconsin Republican Congressman Glenn Grothman, sponsor of the “Safe Airspace for Americans Act, which would require the FAA to come up with a plan to allow people to report incidents without fear.

Host: Ross Coulthart
Executive Producer: Andy Gipson
Senior Producers: Sam Adelman, Joe Ward, Emily Lambert
Producer: Adam Hainsfurther
Editor: Rob Alvarez

On "Reality Check," NewsNation contributor Ross Coulthart digs into stories the media is supposedly not meant to tell, taking a fact-based approach to tackle everything from unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) to mysteries often missing from the headlines.

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:26 Jonathan Butner, Langley Air Force Base UAP witness
00:05:27 “Drones” vs UAPs
00:10:09 Langley Air Force Base UAP incident investigation
00:14:40 Can the Langley UAP incident be explained?
00:18:48 Ryan Graves, Americans for Safe Aerospace
00:22:14 Graves on Langley Air Force Base UAP incident
00:28:54 Graves on UAP sightings and reports
00:39:12 Graves on Americans for Safe Aerospace
00:40:20 Is U.S. government taking UAP issue seriously enough?
00:47:38 Rep. Glenn Grothman (R) Wisconsin
00:48:06 “Safe Airspace for Americans Act”
00:56:35 Is the government being too secretive about UAPs?
01:02:37 What can be done about UAPs near U.S.-Mexico border?
01:04:10 Is there just cause to think the UAP’s aren’t from earth?
01:05:38 Ross answers your questions

All Comments (21)
  • @Napstergucio124
    Something I can't wrap my head around Ross, unknown assets are flying over a critical military installation and they arent doing anything about it, yet if a civilian drives up to military base then all security wakes up.... Only one thing comes up to my mind, they already know what it is. 💯
  • @davidharris3962
    A retail drone over 3lbs will get you arrested flying over your local airport, but the military doesn't care about their airspace? Makes sense.
  • @Hyzer_Sozay
    Cannot understate how much covering this topic and having Ross on the team sets this news outlet above all else.
  • @chrisnolan8382
    Excellent discussion. I’m a former Navy pilot (age 72 now) who experienced an encounter with a UFO (UAP) in 1975, and it resulted in my “Honorable Discharge” with an agreement to never speak about it or face consequences.
  • @byergo
    If these are adversary drones they would 100% not be flying over our military base with flashing lights to broadcast their presence!
  • @derp195
    So frustrating hearing people complain that there isn't a huge breakthrough every other day, then criticize the very people who are pushing for disclosure because they won't burn all their contacts by revealing everything with no tact.
  • Safe Airspace for Americans Act - Yes - Thank you sir! My father was a private pilot. And, he served in the Royal Canadian Navy during WWII. I am his voice, may he fly in peace. There's alot of crazy unidentified stuff in the air. These pilots, whom we trust with our lives, should be able to freely report and discuss anomalies in the air.
  • @bruceterrell9287
    My father was a USMC pilot for about 16 years (1943-1959) and a corporate pilot for more than 30 years. I pressed him to reveal his observations, which he did circumspectly. He did not offer interpretations. I am a professional archeologist (30 years Federal). I have witnessed at least two UAPs in my adult life as well. I'm trained to observe and assess. I very much appreciate Lt. Graves approach to approaching these in terms of flight safety and taking these observations seriously.
  • @learn12fly
    Bravo Ross, this is the sort of professional journalism we need to get all answers we deserve. Please keep doing this good work although it may not be easy 🙏!
  • @jeffkarvanek1237
    Like to Thank Cmdr Ryan Graves Ret USN F-18 pilot for his Service to our country and for having the courage to come forward about his personal encounter W-72 MOA April 15,2023 and Dec 14 2023 Sightings over Langley AFB,Va Thank you for your concerns about Air Traffic Safety issues
  • @chutcentral
    The fact that they are blinking just like conventional aircraft and drones have done since almost day 1 makes me think these are terrestrial craft, not true UAPs.
  • @spiritart9852
    Thank you Jonathan for sharing your video and story. Thank you Ross for caring enough to back him and offer help if he is harassed. You show our media what having a spine looks and sounds like. Your treatment of the UAP/uFO subject has set the standard for how an ethical journalist CAN behave. The majority of America thanks you.
  • @UFO-Ark
    Thank you for reporting what most mainstream news channels choose to hide. Your one channel we trust in. ⭐
  • Ryan Graves makes so many great points, and he truly clarifies the issues and teaches to the public as to what trainings aviators do have. They are such professionals! This is a critical national security issue.
  • Keep it up Ross . Don't give up . We need a person like you and others get this sorted.
  • @jespersails
    whats surprising is despite something so drastic in our skies, this is not on mainstream media across the world
  • @Jasona1976
    Lt. Ryan Graves is an honest man, with great integrity and an American hero.
  • @Aangel452
    Thanks John, for coming forward and being a part in this phenomenal awakening for all humanity, that this overwhelming confrontation, of scary reality to some… is actually happening? We admire you greatly for your truth and courage☺️
  • @22spirals
    This is literally the only “news” I’ve been able to handle for years. Also, the first interviewed guy was extremely knowledgeable on the topic. Great stuff Ross. 🌀