The Legend of Korra is Garbage and Here's Why

Published 2017-12-19
The Legend of Korra is a bad show attempting to cash-in on the popularity of the original.

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0:00 Introduction
2:40 Positives
6:55 Serialization
17:38 Korra's Stilted Character Arc
31:35 Americanization
41:49 Bad Romance Arcs
48:16 Season Two Switching Gears
57:26 Season Three's Boring Nihilism
1:09:42 PTSD? Never Heard Of It
1:11:51 Season One/Four's Lack of Establishment
1:25:06 Tough Act to Follow
1:31:00 Dumb Stupid Thoughts About Meme Faces

#legendofkorra #avatarthelastairbender #nickelodeon

All Comments (20)
  • @KingKimwer
    The one point I will agree with you on without question is Republic City. Part of the original show's charm was seeing those different cultures within the 4 nations. Having LoK set in "Asian steampunk NYC" completely missed out on the opportunity to show how those other nations changed after the 100 year war, outside of a few small glimpses. Also, Republic City is just a really boring location to set most of the show in. So sick and tired of everything being in New York.
  • "The ember island players isn't filler" Yeah but it's also the best episode in the entire series so who even cares if it is
  • @Hearth123
    I think what bothers me most about the series is that I didn't care about any of the characters and they didn't seem to care about each other. There were so many missed moments where especially Mako and Bolin could have actually established a brotherly bond, but they didn't. We're simply told that they all like each other, not shown
  • @Theproclaimed
    Having Kuvira be able to beat a fully trained avatar is honestly a bit far fetched from the beginning but actually adding the avatar state into it just makes no sense. Ozai powered up with the comet got absolutely destroyed and here we have a regular earth bender
  • " ... And then towards the end they just write it all off, as if we didn't just spend the whole season laughing at Bolin's obvious distress and anxiety. The sad part is that this could've been the most interesting thing in the entire series if the writers had taken it even remotely seriously and not just assumed that abusive relationships are funny when the abuser is a woman." THIS. SOMEBODY FINALLY SAID IT. I don't think the Legend of Korra was horrible as a sequel but it could have been WAY better. Definitely not even remotely as good as its predecessor.
  • @BlueGangsta1958
    I went into this video expecting to hate it because I remembered kinda liking the show. But while you were listing the few things you liked in the beginning, I realised that was all I ever liked about the show. I feel kinda betrayed now.
  • Legend of Korra: yeah it was all the lion turtles and raava and 1st avatar and god vs. satan we explain the magic!! Avatar the Last Airbender: what the heck??? No??? we literally established that it was the sky bison who taught the airbenders, Tui and La who taught the waterbenders, the dragons who taught the firebenders and the badgermoles who taught the earthbenders. (unless of course I'm totally mistaken or the writers made a massive inconsistency when introducing the lion turtles)
  • ‘’Fuck that , this guys bending fucking lava.’’ Best sentence anyone ever said
  • @onion4976
    48:21 HAHAHAHA the Chinese character literally just means “stupid”, didn’t even say “book 5 is stupid”, it’s just “stupid”
  • Didn't get to say this on the last video, but I honestly got mad at the season two storyline being dropped for the origin of why the avatar is reincarnated. It sounded so good, enough to make me consider to watch before you told us what happened in the second half of the season. Such a waste honestly.
  • @Vevotaa
    As a Korra fan, you make great points. Idk why so many people get angered over objective observations. Good work.
  • @camphil6622
    I actually like the legend of Korra but every point you made was valid and I'm glad you re uploaded this
  • @BargB
    I mean...who thought that giant mecha fights on the middle of the city was a good idea for the avatar world is beyond me. That sums up a lot about korra creative decisions...
  • @DarkFoxV
    From what I understand, nick ordered one season, and that's what they prepared for. Then, when that was dine Nick went "wow, that went extremely well, can you make Korra S2?" Rinse and rnpeat for S3 & S4. If these had been 4 unique Avatars, these storylines could have been much better.
  • @Demonoicgamer666
    I don’t really like the fact korra was great at three elements immediately because Roku tells use learning the elements requires discipline and years of practice the only reason aang learned so quickly is cause he had to and he was pretty mediocre while not in the avatar state I mean in his fight with ozai he was almost completely on the defensive until he entered the avatar state.
  • Avatar was a show for children written by adults and Korra was a show for adults written by children.
  • I think this series coulda been 5 billion times better with one bullet point added to their writing process: make emotional stakes pls. That’s it. If there was a relationship between the characters that meant more than “ur destroying the city” then I’d be so much more into the show. Emotional stakes are what turned the final Agni Kai from a fire dick measuring contest into a tragic and dramatic duel of the fate of a nation.