Why The Gospels Are Early

Published 2024-03-08

All Comments (21)
  • @Dave_OGG
    Whether a person is Christian or not, it’s hard to deny the 1st century is a fascinating time period
  • On Tuesday my best friend, Sam Gonzalez succumb, to chronic depression, of which the last symptom is suicide please pray for him, and his family
  • @TonyTheTemplar
    As a full time Private Investigator for the past 10 years... I have to hand it to you. You conducted a great investigation into this. Keep up the great work!
  • @Kloppin4H0rses
    I'm feeling a really strong desire to see Inspiring Philosophy perform a particular urban style of dancing
  • @mystaree
    It's clear the gospels are earlier than 70AD but if atheist scholars admit that then they'd be admitted that Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple
  • @pikehightower790
    Congratulations on another clear explanation of a contested biblical topic.
  • @posthawk1393
    This might be the greatest video I've ever seen. Twenty minutes in, I've got nearly 2.5 pages of notes, notes which will help build my holy armor in the fight for Christ and God. Thank you so much for compiling these facts and creating this video. You have truly done the work of God.
  • @luminous_1
    I always thought it was quite strange that they dated Mark via the destruction of the temple. Its begging the question to the highest degree. "We know that prophecy is B.S, therefore this has to have been written after."
  • @manne8575
    Each time I am again blown away by this kind of video quality and level of research. Truly the numer one Christian academic channel out there!
  • I have been waiting for a good response to the objection that states “Luke copied from Josephus” and finally here it is, You’re a blessing! God bless you IP! Keep going
  • @kennystrawnmusic
    Attempts to date the Gospels after 70AD are circular reasoning. If people didn’t make assumptions about the possibility (or lack thereof) of prophecy before even beginning their investigations, they would reach far more accurate conclusions.
  • @mcburcke
    I think you've got it exactly right. There's no believable way that the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD would not be mentioned by the Synoptic writers. That alone dates them prior to that even.
  • If Acts can reasonably be dated by even non-Christian scholars to c. AD 62, then Luke must be earlier than that; and if Luke is c. 60, then, Matthew and/or Mark must be earlier still, because I don't know many who hold to Lucan priority. This has always seemed to me a more straightforward framework than all the post-70 ad hoc rationalizations dubbed "consensus."
  • @bengoldberg6198
    As someone who previously studied Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan, and others who study the so-called "Historical Jesus", your arguments are very sound. Their logic is often circular and deep down, they know it and sometimes come close to admitting it in their writings. The Gospels actually make a lot of sense chronologically once you come to know that they are speaking the truth. Thank you Jesus Christ for gifting me grace and truth!
  • @jarodhaymon164
    It’s crazy this video came up right after I saw two guys promote their book “Christ Before Jesus” on TikTok. Stating the gospels were written in the 2nd Century. Thanks for the work you do @Inspiring Philosophy.
  • The ONLY reason they date it 70ad and later is because they would have to admit prophecy and eyewitness.
  • @iknowmy3tables
    Thank you Michael, I think the gospel dating is one of the most important issues with gospel apologetics. A presupposition of late dating often comes from begging the question that there can't be prophecyin the gospels. This them lead to begging the question that there couldn't be plenty of eye witnesses during the composition and early circulation of the gospels. Late dating casts more doubts that the gospels were written by Mark Matthew and Luke. Then this casts doubts on anything the early church fathers said about the gospels. So this simple claim casts unreasonable doubts on the entirety of new testament apologetics and has long needed to be refuted by more apologist in the YouTube Christian community.
  • @jamesarthurreed
    Excellent video and summary! I've heard most of these points before, but this is the most comprehensive compilation and clearest presentation on this subject that I've heard to date. Kudos, and thanks!
  • @liberatedfreak
    This is absolutely fantastic. The arguments for early dating just better. Great research. Will be recommending this to others.