Buster Keaton's ONE WEEK (1920)

Published 2015-07-31
The Lucky Dog Picturehouse perform their original soundtrack to Buster Keaton's ONE WEEK (1920) live at Wilton's Music Hall, London.
visit us at: www.theluckydogpicturehouse.com

Composed by Emily O'Hara and Daniel Mays (2015)
Performed by The Lucky Dog PIcturehouse Ensemble:
Emily O'Hara: banjo & guitar
Daniel Mays: Clarinet & Saxophone
Christopher Eldred: Piano
Nicholas Ball: Drum Kit & other percussion/sound fx

As well as improvising and sketching out rough motifs for their bands to work from, composers/musicians would often drop in well known tunes of the day when accompanying films. We have chosen to use two -can you spot them? (scroll down for answers)

Tiger Rag (1917): en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_Rag

Margie (1920): en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margie_(song)

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