This mission was so scary that it never returned...

Published 2022-11-27
This is dying light gameplay

This is very creepy and scary than Dying light 2...

All Comments (21)
  • @GhostMagneto
    This mission is literally anxiety in a nutshell, the amount of volatiles that spawned still gives me chills to this day
  • Doing this mission with level 3 agility is the true definition of horrifying
  • @jemil1999
    I love how that one volatile at 1:18 just pause and watching his friends falling down the hole and he was like "screw it, Imma join them"
  • @Nihtgenge
    To be honest, I cheesed this mission by smearing zombie guts on my face so they wouldn’t notice me. Then I walked through it. Periodically I’d sneak up behind a Volatile, snap his neck, and smear more guts to keep up the camouflage. It was hilarious — it kind of made that level a vignette from a dark comedy (especially when I missed a parkour jump and fell to my death, killed by my own hubris.) That being said, it might have been more fun to just run like hell…
  • This level demonstrates how far the player has come throughout the game. You are able to navigate, dodge, maneuver, and out run the most dangerous enemies in the game. Its extremely stressful, but really satisfying as well.
  • @JokerChany
    arguably the best mission in the game. You're literally replaying the trailer except as crane not only showing how you really are unique since you're able to do what most people couldn't but you're still running for your life putting all your quick reactions to the test
  • Massive respect if you managed to make it through the sewers without any source of uv light on nightmare difficulty
  • @acay5722
    I remember being quite high leveled when i first did this mission. I was kind of a slaughter type of player and i would always try to kill anything the game threw at me. I thought i was gonna have to fight my way through the tunnel. I remember 2 Volatiles appearing so i thought imma kick their asses, not even 10 seconds later there was 5 of them, with more appearing. First time i ever saw no other option than to run for my life😂
  • @neonace3885
    I remember how I didn’t touch this mission for months and I ended up getting a knife that had the perk of boosting my speed when I do a slide or parkour move, so I ended up speeding past every single one of them like I’m the Flash lmao
  • @TUGamerTM
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard somewhere that only in this particular mission, the volatiles have a slight change in their AI which makes them completely ignore the holes in the tunnel, hence why they just run at you and fall down at the very end, they wouldn't usually suicide themselves like that, and instead spit at you from afar. Edit: Cheers for all the likes, and for the heart, Muaxh03! (I know they get removed when editing, but hey ho, gotta be appreciative!
  • @Spider-Man62
    The pure atmosphere, immersion and absolute dread in that mission is phenomenal. It’s your worst nightmare, you avoid the night, try your best to never encounter a volatile and then in this mission that was all for nothing.
  • @rytlocknroll
    Yeah, Dying Light 2 never came close to this amount of sheer terror. HOWEVER, the second game had its moments. For me personally, I found that first GRE quarantine zone we enter particularly creepy, especially with all of those “sleeping beauties” crowding the tight confines of each room. Having to sneak past them all, only to be chased out by a pack of volatiles as you slowly succumb to turning. It definitely got my heart racing.
  • I actually expected to see a swarm of Volitiles climb up the walls during the ladder section the moment you looked down. This could have been a whole lot more horrifying.
  • One time I was redoing this mission just to explore certain areas, and a Volatile somehow managed to climb up the ladder behind me.
  • @killman369547
    Proof that you can run faster when scared than when mad.
  • This mission literally sent chills down my spine the first time I played it. The darkness of that tunnel, mixed with the eeriness of the atmosphere kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time.
  • @danieldx2
    the ladder part is always so anticlimactic🤣
  • @ZDY66666
    This feels like that OG MW2 missison where you drive down a a snowy mountain in a snowmobile
  • @dztrict1000
    Tbh i didn't mind this section much on my first playthrough, at that point i was pretty good at running away since i decided to (almost) never sleep at night time, and little did they know i was absolutely stocked up on flares too. However i will admit it felt amazing having to outrun that many volatiles